
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangdeting
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目的为掌握基层卫生监督协管人员配置状况和工作开展情况,发现当前卫生监督协管服务模式中存在的问题,使基层卫生监督协管工作真正落到实处。方法对固原市185名乡级卫生监督协管人员基本情况和工作现况情况进行了调查。结果固原市乡级卫生监督协管人员男女性别比例约为2∶1,年龄以30~50岁为主,占74.6%,专业学历和职称以大专、中级职称为主,分别占53.5%和55.7%,2012年与2011年相比,各项协管巡查、信息报告明显增加。结论固原市卫生监督协管人员结构比较合理,但“一肩数职”现象不利于卫生监督协管工作的开展,建议加强卫生监督协管员培训,完善协管工作制度。 Objective To understand the status of staffing and work progress of grassroots health supervision and co-ordination and to find out the problems in the current health supervision and co-management service mode, so that the work of grassroots health supervision and co-ordination can be implemented effectively. Methods A total of 185 township health supervision co-ordinators in Guyuan City were surveyed. Results The male and female sex ratio of Guanyuan township health supervisor was about 2: 1, the age was 30-50 years old, accounting for 74.6%. The professional qualifications and professional titles were mainly junior college and intermediate grade, accounting for 53.5% and 55.7 %, 2012, compared with 2011, all co-inspections, information reporting increased significantly. Conclusion The structure of health supervision and co-ordination staff in Guyuan is reasonable. However, the phenomenon of “one shoulder and shouldering the number” is unfavorable to the development of health supervision and co-ordination work. It is suggested to strengthen the supervision and training of health supervisors and improve the co-management system.
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