依法清欠 效果明显

来源 :江苏农村经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:titanium2002
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前段时间,昆山市周市镇东明村经济合作社的一纸诉状,将该村一些拒不履行合同规定、历年拖欠村集体各项规费和承包上交款的农户送上了被告席。承包农户做梦也没有想到会收到法院的传票,成为被告。东明村有耕地1176亩,渔塘和河沟养殖水面546亩。几年来,由于几个钉子户以合同有纠纷等为理由,拖欠和拒不交纳集体规费和承包上交款以及税金,其他农户和承包户看样效仿,致使全村农户历年宕欠款越来越多,1997年全村欠款达52318元,涉及28家农户,户均1868.4元,影响了村资金周转,损害了集体经济的利益。村干部一致认为,必须加强收缴力度,动真格,采取法律手段来维护集体经济的正当利益。 Some time ago, a paper complaint filed by Dongming Village Economic Cooperation Weekly in Zhou Town, Kunshan City, sent some of the villagers refusing to fulfill the contractual stipulations. The peasants who defaulted on the various fees and contracts of village collectives over the years went to the dock. Contract farmers never dreamed that they would receive summons from the court and become defendants. Dongming village has 1176 acres of arable land, fish ponds and river ditch aquaculture 546 mus. Over the past few years, due to a few nails households disputes on the grounds of contract, arrears and refusals to pay collective fees and contractors on delivery and taxes, other farmers and contractors look like to follow, resulting in peasants in the village overdue debts over the years More and more, the entire village owed 52,318 yuan in 1997, involving 28 peasant households, with an average of 1868.4 yuan per household, affecting the flow of capital in the village and undermining the interests of the collective economy. The village cadres unanimously held that it is imperative to intensify the collection efforts, take actions and take legal measures to safeguard the legitimate interests of the collective economy.
目的 :探讨分析剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠治疗方法的临床价值。方法 :选取2013年09月-2016年05月我院收治的80例剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠的患者临床资料为研究对象。根据患者治疗前后血
通过 1997~1998 年对红叶小檗带叶枝条全光雾插试验证明:红叶小檗扦插育苗,经 A B T1 号生根粉处理,生根率可达86% ,移栽成活率达93.2% 。 Through 1997 to 1998, the experiment of all-light foggin
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