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近几年来,对马尾松赤枯病由毛孢盘霉菌(Pestalotia)致病的问题,因无可靠接种试验证明,大家认识不一致。我们根据1974—1976年,在忠县石子林场试验初显症状针叶分离,很易得松毛孢盘(Pestalotia Zahlbruckneria-na Henn.)纯种的情况,于1978年6—9月在我站4—6年生马尾松幼树上,进行了松赤枯病接种试验,并获得成功。 In recent years, the problem of pathogenicity caused by Pestalotia to Masson Pine Blight has been proved inconsistent with the unaffordable inoculation test. According to the 1974-1976 initial test in Zhongshu Shizi forest field test condyloma acuminatum, it is easy to get the case of purest pine pestis plate (Pestalotia Zahlbruckneria-na Henn.), In June-September 1978 at our station Four-year-old Pinus massoniana saplings, the pine blight inoculation test, and success.
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我生于旧社会 ,长在红旗下 ,是新中国培养的第一代医生。毕业后分配在天津市第一医院外科 ,曾在上级医师的支持下开展“腰腿痛专科门诊”和“无痛门诊手术”。 195 8年因工作
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应用数字技术实现病理标本大体图像与显微图像在图文报告中同时体现 ,实现恶性肿瘤的TNM自动分期 ,并通过电子邮件实现病理远程会诊 Using digital technology to realize p