Thermal State and Structure of the Lithosphere beneath Eastern China: A Synthesis on Basalt-Borne Xe

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ptcptsu
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Application of reliable thermobarometer on garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths and granulite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic basalts in eastern China reveals two main types of geotherm. The first type, as exampled by Hannuoba (汉诺坝), Mingxi (明溪) and probably Northeast China, is characterized by constant slope of data in the P-T space. The second type, as exampled by the high geotherms of Nüshan (女山) and probably Xinchang (新昌), is characterized by variable slopes, with the samples with pressure <2 MPa defining a slow slope, whereas the samples with pressure >2 MPa define a virtually vertical slope. The different slopes in the second type of geotherm may correspond to different heat transfer mechanisms, with conductive transfer for the shallow upper mantle and advective transfer for the deep mantle. This observed transition in thermal transfer mechanism is consistent with theoretical modeling. The two types of geotherm are not mutually exclusive, because the second type may characterize the thermal state of whole lithospheric section including both mechanical boundary layer (MBL) and thermal boundary layer (TBL), while the first type may only depict the MBL. The variable geotherms for different regions are indicative of a heterogeneous lithospheric structure in eastern China. (a) Eastern North China craton (NCC) is characterized by a second-type geotherm, corresponding to a thin lithosphere (~70 km). Comparison of the equilibrium temperatures of spinel peridotites with this geotherm constrains the depth to Moho in eastern North China craton to be 30 km. In contrast, western NCC (Hannuoba: the first-type geotherm) possesses a relatively low thermal gradient, indicative of a thick lithosphere (>90–100 km) and a thick crust-mantle transition zone. Thedramatic change in crustal and mantle structure across the DTGL (Daxing’anling (大兴安岭)-Taihangshan (太行山) gravity lineament) is consistent with recent seismic studies. (b) There is a decrease in thermal gradient and in lithospheric thickness from the coast (Xinchang: the second-type geotherm) to the inland (Mingxi: the first-type geotherm) in South China (from ~80 km to >90 km), which is collaborated with westward variation in basalt geochemistry. (c) The weak convex-upward pattern of the geo-therm in Qilin (麒麟) and Leizhou (雷州) Peninsula is peculiar, probably reflecting a transi-tional feature between conductive and advective heat transfer. It may result from impregnation of mantle plume on the base of the lithosphere. These new results not only provide a basic framework for the ongoing 4-D lithosphere mapping project in eastern China, but also yield important implications for deep processes that operated over the past. Application of reliable thermobarometer on garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths and granulite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic basalts in eastern China reveals two main types of geotherm. The first type, as exampled by Hannuoba, Mingxi (Mingxi) and probably Northeast China , is characterized by constant slope of data in the PT space. The second type, as exampled by the high geotherms of Nüshan and probably Xinchang (新昌), is characterized by variable slopes, with the samples with pressure <2 MPa defining a slow slope, whereas the samples with pressure> 2 MPa define a virtual vertical slope. the different slopes in the second type of geotherm may correspond to different heat transfer mechanisms, with conductive transfer for the shallow upper mantle and advective transfer for the deep mantle. This observed transition in thermal transfer mechanism is consistent with theoretical modeling. The two types of geotherm are not mutually exclusive, because the second type may characterize the thermal state of whole lithospheric section include both mechanical boundary layer (MBL) and thermal boundary layer (TBL), while the first type may only depict the MBL. The variable geotherms for different regions are indicative of a heterogeneous lithospheric structure in eastern China (a) Eastern North China craton (NCC) is characterized by a second-type geotherm, corresponding to a thin lithosphere (~ 70 km). Comparison of the equilibrium temperatures of spinel peridotites with this geotherm constrains the depth to Moho in eastern North China craton to be 30 km. In contrast, western NCC (Hannuoba: the first-type geotherm) possesses a relatively low thermal gradient, indicative of a thick lithosphere (> 90-100 km) and a thick crust-mantle transition zone. Thedramatic change in crustal and mantle structure across the DTGL (Daxing’anling -Taihangshan gravity lineament) is consistent with recent seismic studies. (b) There is a decrease in thermal gradient and in lithosphericthickness from the coast (Xinchang: the second-type geotherm) to the inland (Mingxi: the first-type geotherm) in South China (from ~ 80 km to> 90 km), which is collaborated with westward variation in basalt geochemistry. c) The weak convex-upward pattern of the geo-therm in Qilin and Leizhou Peninsula is peculiar, probably reflecting a transi-tional feature between conductive and advective heat transfer. It may result from impregnation of mantle plume on the base of the lithosphere. These new results not only provide a basic framework for the ongoing 4-D lithosphere mapping project in eastern China, but also yield important implications for deep processes that operated over the past.
结肠息肉是指结肠粘膜上隆起的赘生物的统称。小儿结肠息肉是一种常见病 ,是引起小儿便血的原因之一 ,长期反复出血 ,可引起贫血、营养不良、发育不良、机体抵抗力低下。纤维
报道1例儿童痴笑性癫■(EP)。 病例于1995年1名6岁女孩因贫血就诊.患儿生后重度耳聋,说话晚,学习困难,伴夜间及偶在白天道尿;反复发作性不明原因的痴笑,5分钟后跳跃倒地、上肢短暂阵挛、意识丧
2007年底,吉林兢诚律师事务所主任徐沛荣光荣地当选为长春市第十三届人民代表大会代表。用她的话说:“这是继2004年当选为绿园区人大代表后, At the end of 2007, Xu Peiron