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为切实配合市政府抓好“菜篮子”工程,让市民吃上放心菜,本市从1996年起引进了上海农药研究所“八五”国家重点攻关研究成果高科技产品———1%农哈哈杀虫素。该产品由海南省博士威农用有限公司生产,具有新型、安全、广谱、高效等特点。为验证该产品对小菜蛾、菜青虫、美洲斑潜 In order to effectively cooperate with the municipal government to do a good job of “vegetable basket” project, so that the public eat reassuring vegetable, the city from 1996 introduced the Shanghai Institute of pesticides, “85” national key research achievements of high-tech products --- 1% of farmers ha ha Insecticides. This product is produced by Hainan Province, Dr. Wei agricultural Co., Ltd., with a new, safe, broad-spectrum, high efficiency and so on. To validate the product against Plutella xylostella, Pieris rapae, the Americas spotted
记得2003年刚进单位时,因为所负责维护的电脑感染了病毒,曾被电脑室的主管领导批评为“啥也不懂”,当时真是郁闷极了!后来有一天,领导按F8键怎么也调不出系统启动菜单,幸好我记起了CFan上登的一个窍门:开机时按住Ctrl键也可以调出启动菜单。从那以后,领导总算对我刮目相看了。    读了今年第17期《聆听“苹果”的声音享受海量音乐管理乐趣》一文,我对iTunes播放器产生了兴趣。试用一番,居然又有
开发商异口同声地表示,今年房价铁定要涨。理由似乎很充足,但是疑点也很充足 Developers unanimously said that this year’s prices are bound to rise. The reason seems
一般楼盘在前期预售时,开发商就是利用沙盘模型作为展示,给消费者提供参考。无论是楼盘外部的自然环境、配套设施,这是房间格局布置等,都可以通过沙盘模型展示。 General re
  While their great importance in food chemistry is adequately appreciated,Maillard reaction products have recently been identified to be present in herbal ex
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  Due to present global developments the importance of water treatment for ensuring required amounts of water and its quality is still growing.This trend will