
来源 :信息与电脑(理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w1352688
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近年来随着计算机网络信息技术的迅猛发展,它正在潜移默化地改变着我们的一些生活习惯与生活方式,因而人们不得不考虑它给生活各个方面带来的潜在影响。而现在我们使用最多的计算机网络技术主要有获取网络信息的网站、论坛或者各类软件,大学生是我国计算机网络技术的主要使用与传播群体之一,同时也是高校外语实践教学的主体,基于此本文就计算机网络信息技术在我国高校外语实践中的应用前景进行了探讨,也分析了网络信息技术可能给高校带来的潜在问题,以期促进其在高校外语实践教学领域的深入应用。 With the rapid development of computer network information technology in recent years, it is subtly changing some of our lifestyle and lifestyle, so people have to consider its potential impact on all aspects of life. At present, most of the computer network technologies that we use most have websites, forums or various kinds of software for obtaining network information. College students are one of the main groups for using and disseminating computer network technology in our country. They are also the main body of foreign language practice teaching in colleges and universities. Based on this article This paper discusses the application foreground of computer network information technology in college foreign language practice in our country, and also analyzes the potential problems that network information technology may bring to universities in order to promote its further application in the field of foreign language practice teaching in colleges and universities.
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