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根据祖国医药学的记载:甘草性质平和,能调和药性,功能入五脏六腑12经,能解毒缓药势,生用能解心火,炙用温补元气并有镇咳祛痰之效,故广用于各类方剂中,如四君子汤佐甘草调和中气而养胃;桂枝汤佐甘草补脾气调和血气,白虎汤佐甘草调和血气而泻火;附子理中汤佐甘草能抑干姜附子之热不致上升;调胃承气汤佐甘草可缓大黄芒硝峻下之弊,炙甘草汤治虛劳肺痿;单味用以解诸毒,可见,祖国医药学对甘草的应用非常广泛,评价也很高。但是,在西医药方面,不论是用甘草的浸膏、流浸膏或其他的甘草制剂,都仅作为调味剂。这说明中、西医药应用甘草有很大的区别。关于甘草的效用已为近代人们所注意,因而作了不少研究。根据中外文献的报导,已经发现甘草及其 According to the records of the motherland’s medical science, licorice is mild in nature, can reconcile medicinal properties, and functions into the internal organs of the six meridians. It can detoxify and prolong the drug potential, and can be used to solve the fire, and it can be used to warm up the vitality and have antitussive and expectorant effects. Widely used in all kinds of prescriptions, such as Sijunzi Tangzong licorice to reconcile the qi while raising stomach; Guizhi Tang Zicao replenishment temperament and blood gas, white tiger soup Zigancao reconcile blood gas and Xiehuo; Fuzi Lizhong Tangzuo Gancao can inhibit ginger Aconite heat does not increase; Tuwei Chengqi Tang Zigancao can alleviate the disadvantages of Huangmang Glauber’s Blight; Zhigancao Decoction cures imaginary tuberculosis; single taste is used to solve various poisons. It can be seen that the use of Chinese medicine in the country is very widely used in licorice. The evaluation is also very high. However, in Western medicine, whether it is licorice extract, stream extract or other licorice preparations, only as a flavoring agent. This shows that the application of licorice in Chinese and Western medicine is very different. The effects of licorice have been paid attention to by modern people and many studies have been made. According to reports in Chinese and foreign literature, licorice has been found
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