
来源 :佳木斯医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oxen777
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我院曾遇1例巨大肾积水,积水量达18900ml,报告如下。患者男性,38岁。因腹部进行性增大6年入院。活动受限,无恶心、呕吐及腰痛症状,尿量正常。体检:一般情况元异常发现。腹部高度膨隆,腹壁浅静脉轻度怒张,肝脾未触及,腹围110ccm 肠鸣音正常。血、尿、便常规及肝、肾功能正常,中段尿培养阴性,血浆蛋白则定:总蛋白64.4g/L,白蛋白 Our hospital had a case of huge hydronephrosis, water volume of 18900ml, the report is as follows. Male patient, 38 years old. Progressive increase of the abdomen admitted for 6 years. Activities are limited, no nausea, vomiting and low back pain, urine output is normal. Physical examination: the general situation yuan abnormal found. High bulging abdomen, superficial abdominal veins mild engorgement, liver and spleen not touched, abdominal circumference of 110ccm bowel sounds normal. Blood, urine, routine and liver and kidney function, urine culture negative in the middle, the plasma protein is set: total protein 64.4g / L, albumin
题目质量为1千克的物体静止在光滑的水平面上,有水平外力F=1牛顿作用其上,且每隔5秒,F突然沿逆时针方向偏转90°角,20秒后撤除外力,那么最终结果是: (A)物体回到出发点(B)物
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