
来源 :水利渔业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moxiaomi521
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本文定量地阐述了鲤和鳙混养越冬对其成活率及代谢的影响。工作完成于1983—1984年。秋季捕捞时当年鱼的密度为5.8万尾/ha。当年鱼越冬试验在网箱中进行。网箱设置于生产性越冬池出水口附近。箱内鱼的总生物量为6kg/m~3。据我们的资料(谢尔宾娜,1984), This article quantitatively described the common carp Cyprinus carpio overwintering on its survival rate and metabolism. Work completed in 1983-1984. At the time of autumn fishing, the density of fish was 58,000 ha / ha. When the fish overwintering test carried out in the cage. Cage set in the productive winter pool outlet near. The total amount of fish in the box is 6kg / m ~ 3. According to our data (Sherpinna, 1984),
A series of La-doped TiO2 with different mass fractions were prepared by sol-gel method. Composite catalysts H3PW12O40/La-TiO2 with different loading levels wer
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0.14 at%Mn-doped 0.95(Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3-0.05BaTiO3(0.95NBT-0.05BT)lead-free single crystals were grown by a top-seeded solution growth method(TSSG).X-ray powder d
概论标准化存取数据库●C.特诺皮尔(夏威夷大学美国檀香山)AbstractTheopportunityofsearchinghundredsofdatabaseswiththesamesearchsoft-warehasalwaysbeenoneof... Introduction Standardized Database Access ● C. Tnopil (University of Hawaii, Honolulu) Abstract Theportu
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