A Probe into the Visual Expression of Sign Language Graphics A Probe into the Visual Expression of S

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【Abstract】The research object is identified as the hearing impaired,the sign language graphics are studied,the sign language graphics are designed,the cartoon IP image is introduced,the dynamic sign language graphics are used to innovate the original sign language learning environment,and the theoretical guiding ideas are integrated into the sign language graphics reconstruction Among them,a design direction with innovative characteristics is proposed.

【Keywords】sign language,graphics,animation

Graphics is an important and effective form of visual symbols,and it has an important meaning for spreading information. Graphics are composed of two parts:picture and form,which are artificial and functional. Compared with other media such as text,graphics are more functional and can truly spread a certain concept or image content.①Sign language is an intuitive and natural way of visual communication. It recognizes the content to be conveyed by gestures in accordance with specific rules. It has strong consistency and expandability. At the same time,graphics are a visual symbol language with descriptive functions. The two have an inseparable relationship.

The graphic design and research of sign language refers to the presentation of sign language in a functional form of visual graphics,and a new interpretation of sign language graphic design. ②In the specific implementation process of this design,what kind of visual symbol,what kind of visual expression and what design method can most directly and effectively convey the visual information of sign language are the core issues of the research of this thesis. The sign language graphic design adopts Visual graphic representations,based on the study of previous materials and literature,can conclude that there are three rigorous and objective ways to convey visual information in graphic design,namely:simulation,understanding and symbolism. The simulation method is the most basic visual expression method in the graphic design method,and its application is also the most widely used. Knowing method refers to the graphic design method based on the design of simulation method,in other words,it is the graphic design method based on the external image of basic objective things that can be interpreted by people. It re-integrates,interweaves or deforms,and derives two or more graphics with typical external characteristics of visual information. Symbolism is the most complex and diverse of the three graphic design methods. Refers to the more abstract method in graphic design.

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