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  The 2)Super Bowl 3)flub. A fall at the Grammys. 4)Public intoxication. Should Christina kiss her career goodbye? Or can a
  5)gig on The Voice put her back on top?
  Hoping for the J.Lo effect? Hitting the highest of high notes is important to 6)diva’s career, to be sure. But just as inevitable? Hitting the lowest of the lows. Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Whitney Huston—they’ve all 7)fallen from grace, and then 8)embarked on the very public (and often personally painful) journey to 9)redemption. It’s in this 10)precarious stage of the diva life cycle that big-voiced “Beautiful” singer Christina Aguilera currently resides.
  On March 1st, the 30-year-old pop star was detained at a West Hollywood police station 11)on suspicion of public intoxication. (She was in the passenger seat when her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler, 25, was 12)pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence.) The incident might have been 13)brushed aside had it not followed the most 14)tumultuous period in Aguilera’s career and private life. In the past year alone, the singer has: released a
  much-anticipated but low-selling album, Bionic;
  15)filed for divorce from her husband of five years, marketing executive Jordan Bratman; starred in the critically 16)panned movie musical Burlesque;
  17)screwed up the lyrics to the 18)national anthem at the Super Bowl; and taken a much-discussed 19)tumble during the opening 20)number at the Grammys. (That’s not to mention all the reports about her allegedly drunken behavior at Jeremy Renner’s birthday party.) And on March 6th, there was more bad news: Her label, Sony Music, was sued over a sample used in the singer’s 2006 hit “Ain’t No Other Man.”
  Other than some 21)flak for her questionable fashion choices (remember the “Dirrty”
  22)chaps?), Aguilera has, until recently, maintained a
  “23)squeaky clean” image, says talent manager Jeff Rabhan who has worked with Kelis and Kelly Rowland. “She was one of those amazing stars who came up through the business and remained like a
  24)Teflon doll. But clearly she needs a little 25)polish right now.”
  Like magic, though, just a day after the drunken 26)mishap,
  a plan to 27)rehabilitate Aguilera’s public image began to 28)mate-rialize: NBC confirmed that the blonde would sit on the judging/coaching 29)panel of its new singing competition series, The Voice, alongside Cee Lo Green and Maroon 5 30)front man Adam Levine. (Country star Blake Shelton was later added to the panel.) “Christina was on our priority list from the very first minute we started thinking about this show,” says Voice producer Mark Burnett. “All the various press things [with her], it’s like we were sailing on a ship and a little breeze came and went and we didn’t even notice.”
  It’s certainly possible that The Voice will help 31)humanize Aguilera in the same way Idol has given a 32)boost to Jennifer Lopez, whose new single, “On the Floor”, is her first hit since 2005.
  No matter how The Voice 33)pans out, it should be noted that Aguilera’s claim to fame has always been her powerful vocals. “Artists like her make the best music from personal experience and hard times,” says Claude Kelly, a songwriter who contributed tracks to both Bionic and the Burlesque soundtrack and who says her last album bombed because Sony chose the wrong lead single (“Not Myself Tonight”). “All the media attention she’s getting, I guarantee it’s going to inspire her to release music that shows the world that it’s not over.” (Aguilera declined to comment for this story.)
  And when she does head back into the studio, some in the industry say we shouldn’t 34)rule her out. “A lot of radio people learned their lesson with Mariah Carey,” says Michael Chase, music director for Star 94 in Atlanta. “Everyone thought her career was done. If Christina can find her ‘We Belong Together’, who knows what can happen?” Adds Kelly: “We’ve spoken through e-mail a few times. The worst is behind her, and I think this is the beginning of her 35)upswing.”
  想要珍妮弗·洛佩兹效应 (编者注:珍妮弗·洛佩兹因担任《美国偶像》最新一季的裁判而人气大旺,其新出的单曲《在地板上》也因此大热。)?飙音至高音区顶点对“女王级”的歌手来说至关重要,这是肯定的。但是落到人生的最低点呢,这也是不可避免的吗?布兰妮·斯皮尔斯、玛丽亚·凯莉,还有惠妮·休斯顿——她们都曾身败名裂,然后在众目睽睽之下重新起航,开启一段自我救赎之旅(这对她们来说往往是苦不堪言的)。而美丽的“金嗓子”克里斯蒂
  当她重回录音室之时,行内的一些人说我们不应该把她踢出局。“很多音乐人都以玛丽亚·凯莉为学习对象,”亚特兰大Star 94电台的音乐指导迈克尔·切斯说道,“每个人当时都以为她的事业完了。如果克里斯蒂娜能找到她的‘翻身神曲’,谁知道会发生什么呢?”(编者注:2008年玛丽亚·凯莉凭借一曲《我们注定一起》一洗颓风,重回巅峰,文中借此来指克里斯蒂娜需要找到自己的“神曲”来扭转颓势。)克劳德·凯莉补充说道:“我们通过邮件谈了几次。最糟的时期已经过去了,我认为现在她开始重新起飞了。”
  Christina’s Bad Breaks
  In addition to her run-in with(触犯) the law, Aguilera has had a series of personal and professional slipups(犯错).
  Grammy Stumble 格莱美颁奖典礼上的滑跤
  She sang great, but slipped on stage at the Feb. 13 event.
  Super Bowl Fumble “超级碗”庆祝典礼上的唱错词
  Oops(噢,表示惊讶、狼狈时所发出的喊声)! Christina garbled(混淆) the national anthem on Feb. 6.
  Burlesque Bomb 《滑稽表演》遭遇滑铁卢
  Her big-screen debut was much-m aligned(批评).
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“吸血鬼”,与“永恒”脱不了关系。永恒的黑夜,永恒的生命,永恒的美艳和永恒的神秘。他们独特的魅力和恐怖让人避之不及却又难以忘怀。于是人们一再向他们投去爱恨交织的眼神,一再在各类作品中探讨他们的存在,他们的秘密。褪去中世纪的衣服,今天他们用新世纪的霓裳装身,外加一双媚眼和一抹红唇,以新姿态向人们娓娓道来一个潜藏千年的故事……  ——Mac    The symptoms are 1)unnervin
美国东部时间7月16日上午11时30分(北京时间7月17日零时30分),在美国众议院议长佩洛西的监督下,美国国会首位华裔女议员赵美心在华盛顿国会山宣誓就职。这一天她创造了美国华裔从政的新历史。她也是继吴振伟之后的第二位华裔国会议员。  奥巴马上台后,美国政府高层中不断出现华裔的身影,比如美国现任能源部长朱棣文和商务部长骆家辉。现在,赵美心说:“我很骄傲能够成为美国国会第一位华裔女议员。”  赵美心
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