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  On Tuesday (July 14th), adding to a 24-year political career launched on a local school board, Judy Chu became the first Chinese American woman elected to Congress. She won a special election—with nearly 62% of the vote—in the 32nd 1)Congressional District.
  She won this election in much the same way she 2)posted earlier victories—expanding on her Asian base (about 13% of voters in the congressional district) to win support among 3)Latinos (who make up almost half of the registered voters in the district), 4)organized labor (a major element in the largely working-class district) and women. Her years on the 5)Garvey School Board and the 6)Monterey Park City Council and representing a local 7)Assembly district made her a trusted household name among8)San Gabriel Valley political leaders, many of whom crossed party and ethnic lines to support her.
  One is Republican Betty Couch, who said she found common ground—and friendship—with the9)unabashedly liberal Chu when they served together on the Monterey Park City Council. “She does her homework, she listens, and she really cares about people,” said Couch.
  Judy Chu was born on July 7, 1953, in Los Angeles, and was the second of four children in her family. Her father worked as an electrical technician for 10)Pacific Bell and her mother was a 11)cannery worker. Judy Chu can trace the beginnings of her career as a San Gabriel Valley activist and political leader back to the early 1970s and her freshman year in college. As the young math major, intent on a career in computer science, was crossing the 12)UC Santa Barbara 13)quad one day, someone 14)thrust into her hand a 15)flier about a new Asian American studies course. She decided to give it a try. “It was like a light went off in my head,” Chu recalled. She learned about the history of Asian immigrants and their children, the discrimination and stereotypes they endured and their contributions to American life and culture.
  One of the guest speakers was Pat Sumi, a third-generation Japanese American whose activism included registering blacks to vote in Mississippi and Georgia and organizing protests against the Vietnam War. “It was the very first time it occurred to me that an Asian American woman could be a leader,” said Chu, who began volunteering with various causes, 16)transferred to 17)UCLA and gave up computers for 18)clinical psychology.
  It was while she was a student at UCLA that Chu met her future husband, attorney Mike Eng. The couple married in 1978. Chu, who holds a 19)doctorate in psychology, continued teaching at20)Los Angeles City College, then at 21)East Los Angeles College, and Eng practiced immigration law. By the early 1980s, the couple had settled in Monterey Park, which was experiencing an 22)influx of immigrants from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, sparking a 23)backlash among some longtime residents who sought a ban on Chinese-language 24)storefront signs. When a divided City Council voted in 1986 to support a resolution 25)endorsing English as the nation’s official language, Chu, by then on the school board, and Eng helped form the Coalition for Harmony in Monterey Park(CHMP).
  “Judy and Mike were always trying to find ways to bring people together,” said Jose Calderon, another member of CHMP who is now an associate professor at 26)Pitzer College. They started “harmony days” to celebrate the city’s various cultures, and they led a 27)petition drive that moved the council to 28)rescind its divisive resolution. Chu was elected to the council in 1988 and, in 2001, won an Assembly seat.
  Marilyn Calderon, who served on Chu’s legislative staff in the Assembly, said her former boss always encouraged her employees to aim high and insisted they remember they were there to help people who needed them. “She’s a hard, hard worker.” Calderon said.
  Chu, who sworn in Washington, D.C. on Thursday (July 16 th), said she plans to come home every weekend. She said that she and Eng will continue their practice of once-weekly “date nights” of dinner out or a movie—their way of coping with careers that put them in different cities.
  该课程的其中一位客座讲者是帕特·苏米,她是第三代日裔美国人,她参与的社会活动包括为密西西比州和乔治亚州的黑人争取选举投票权,组织反对越战的抗议活动等。“那是我第一次意识到,一位亚裔美国女性也可以成为一名领袖。” 赵美心说。之后,她开始志愿参与各种各样的活动,并转学到美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,放弃了计算机专业而转学临床心理学。


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