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  Growing pains aren’t a disease. You probably won’t have to go the the doctor for them. But they can hurt. Usually they happen when kids are between the ages of 3 and 5 or 8 and 12. Doctors don’t believe that growing actually causes pain, but growing pains stop when kids stop growing. By the teen years, most kids don’t get growing pains any more.
  Kids get growing pains in their legs. Most of the time, they hurt in the front of the thighs(the upper part of your legs), in the calves(the back part of your legs below your knees), or behind the knees. Usually, both legs hurt.
  Growing pains often start to ache right before bedtime. Sometimes you go to bed without any pain, but you might wake up in the middle of the night with your legs hurting. The best news about growing pains is that they go away by morning.
  Growing pains don’t hurt around the bones or joints(the flexible parts that connect bones and let them move)—only in the muscles. For this reason, some doctors believe that kids might get growing pains because they’ve tired out their muscles. When you run, climb or jump a lot during the day, you might have aches and pains in your legs at night.
  Your parent can help you feel better by giving you an over-the-counter pain medicine like acetaminophen(退热净) or ibuprofen(布洛芬). Kids should not take aspirin because it can cause a rare but serious illness called Reye syndrome(急性脑病综合症).
  Here are three other things that might help you feel better: 1) placing a heating pad on the spot where your legs hurt; 2) stretching your legs like you do in gym class; 3) having your parent massage your legs.
  You might never feel any growing pains, but if you do, remember that before you know it, you will outgrow them!
  1. From the first paragraph, we can learn that _____.
  A. growing pains are a serious disease which causes much pain
  B. everyone will experience growing pains all through the life
  C. growing pains only happen during a certain period of one’s life
  D. doctors strongly suggest kid go to hospital to treat growing pains
  2. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _____.
  A. what growing pains are
  B. how to make yourself feel better
  C. what causes growing pains
  D. when to go to the doctor
  3. Why shouldn’t kids take aspirin to relieve growing pains? _____.
  A. Because aspirin has no effect on the pains
  B. Because aspirin can cause a serious illness
  C. Because kids tend to take it more than they should
  D. Because the pain medicine like acetaminophen or ibuprofen is much cheaper
  4. The purpose of the author is to _____.
  A. remind parents to pay close attention to the problem of growing pains
  B. help kids better understand growing pains
  C. advise doctors to give more help to kids with growing pains
  D. warn kids not to do exercise so as not to tire out their muscles
  (江苏省盐城中学 张茜提供)
本期涉及的三角函数、平面向量、数列这三个内容是高中数学的重点内容,不仅有着广泛的实际应用,而且是进一步学习中学后继内容和高等数学的基础, 因而成为高考中对基础知识、基本技能和基本思想方法考查的重要内容之一。    不奋苦而求速效,只落得少日浮夸,老来窘隘而已。——郑板桥    一、 紧扣大纲,把握重点知识      2011年高考考试说明给出的能级要
在高考数学试题中三角函数类试题位置相对靠前,难度中等。重点围绕三角函数的图象、周期性、单调性、奇偶性、对称性等性质以及与三角恒等变换有关化简、求值、最值等热点题型进行考查。本文枚举数例,仅供参考。      1 . 与三角函数的图象和性质有关的问题      【例 1 】 (2010年江苏省南通市高三二模) 已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)(A>0,ω>0)的图象与直线y=
课本是对《课程标准》更详尽的阐释,是《考试大纲》与《考试说明》的依据,高考试卷再变再活,所考查的知识与基本方法不会超出课本。          经典例题      三角变换时,一般要从三角函数名称和角的差异两方面去综合分析,再从差异的分析中决定三角公式的选取。一般变换的规律是:切割化弦,异名化同名,异角化同角,高次化低次,无理化有理等。      点拨 在遇到三角变换的问题时,要
《数学课程标准》指出:高中数学课程应力求使学生体验数学在解决问题中的作用。学生的数学学习内容应当是现实的、有意义的、富有挑战性的,这些内容要有利于学生主动地进行观察、实验、猜测、验证、推理与交流等数学活动,为此高中数学课本十分注重从实例出发引入数学问题。笔者在高三数学教学实践中,就关注社会热点、挖掘社会课程中的数学学习素材等问题进行了尝试与探讨,望对同学们学习有所帮助。     
一、 填空题 (本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分)       1 . 若等差数列{an}的前5项之和S5=25,且a2=3,则a7= .    2 . 若点P(cosα,sinα)在直线y=-2x上,则sin2α+2cos2α的值是 .    3 . 已知向量OA =(1,-3),OB =(2,-1),OC =(k+1,k
从数列中抽出部分项或插入一些项或原有项重新排列组成一个新的数列,称为数列项的重组.解决该类问题,需在掌握等差数列与等比数列基础知识的前提下,理清原数列与新数列间的内在联系.才能顺利解决问题.下面举例说明。      一、 关注数列原有项的重组      【例 1】 一个数列中的数均为奇数时,称之为“奇数数列”. 我们给定以下法则来构造一个奇数数列{an},对于任意正
数列就是函数,本质的共性决定其思想与方法的承继;数列的定义域是自然数集或其子集,一般中的特殊又必然使得数列问题有异于函数的思路,深刻反思数列定义的内涵,从不同的角度理解数列是灵活解决问题的关键。    数列的通项公式及求和公式都是关于n的函数,特别地,d≠0时等差数列an是一次函数,Sn是二次函数。如果能够作出数列对应的函数图象,或者可以通过运算、类比、证明等明确相关函数的性质,运用这些性质是
一、 填空题 (本大题共14小题,每小题5分,满分70分)    1 . cos - 79π 6 的值为 .    2 . 函数y=sinx+cosx的最小值是 .    3 . 在平行四边形ABCD中,AC为一条对角线,AB =(2,4),AC =(1,3),则BD = .    4 . 已知等差数列{an}的前n项
三角函数部分不仅有着广泛的实际应用,而且是进一步学习中学后继内容和高等数学的基础,因而成为高考中对基础知识、基本技能和基本思想方法考查的重要内容之一。        一、 典例探究      (一) 三角函数的图象    三角函数图象是支撑三角函数知识体系的框架,也是同学们学好三角函数的有力杆杠。    【例 1 】 函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)(A,ω,
在近几年的江苏高考中,三角函数内容是考生高考中拿分的重点章节,但是不少同学在这一块内容上高考失分很多,下面结合平常同学们在解决三角函数问题的一点典型错误,充分暴露错误的思维过程,使同学们认识到出错的真正原因,在与正确的思路与解题过程的对比中留下深刻印象,从而有效地避免错误思路与解法,提高解题的正确率。      放错机制 已知角α的某个三角函数值,求角α的其余5种三角函数值时,要注意公式的合理