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王总和李工最近很忙。作为一家中型企业信息部的负责人和工作人员,在他们的努力下,彻底升级了内部办公网络,并构建了企业网站。新的网络应用给企业带来极大的?利,但同时也带来一些新的安全隐患,比如受黑客攻击,网页常被篡改。过去,该企业一直使用免费的简易防火墙,加之新网的?营,网络结构的变化,使原防火墙已难以?足应用需要。 说实在的,王总和李工对网络知识了如指掌,对安全技术却知之甚少,如何让他们明智地选择一款安全产品,还真是勉为其难?怎么办呢? 幸好两人在今年4月“2002IT信息技术?势大会”上结识了《微电脑世界》杂志社?朱编辑,知道他们经常做关于安全技术应?与选型的报道,便求助于他。通过交流,朱编辑了解到王总和李工最关心的几个问题是:防火墙到底能干什么?其主要功能?选型的关键技术指标是什么?目前技术发展趋势?怎样的?市场状况如何?有什么可供选择的主流?品?如何构建防火墙体?需要注意哪些问题?于?朱编辑为他们联系了联?研究院信息安全研究室主?韦博士,请他为他俩诠释防火墙相关技术;又借《微电脑世界》杂志社主办的“直面防火墙”网络安全研讨会,请他俩参与研讨,帮助他们认识各防火墙解决方案及特点,并在厂商的帮助下,顺利完成了防火墙系统的构建。 像王总和李工这样的用户很多,他们从? Wang and Li workers recently busy. As the head and staff of a medium-sized enterprise information department, with their efforts, they completely upgraded their internal office network and built a corporate website. The new web application brings great benefits to the enterprise, but also brings some new security risks, such as hacking, web pages often tampered with. In the past, the company has been using free simple firewall, combined with the new network? Camp, the network structure changes, so that the original firewall has been difficult? To be honest, Wang and Li Li know well about the network knowledge, little is known about the security technology, how to make them wisely choose a security product, really reluctantly? How to do? Fortunately, two people in April this year, “2002IT information Technology Conference ”to get acquainted with“ Microcomputer World ”magazine Zhu editor, know they often do on the security technology and selection of reports, then turn to him. Through exchanges, Zhu editor learned that Wang and Li workers are most concerned about several issues are: in the end what the firewall can do? Its main function? Selection of the key technical indicators is what? The current technological trends? What? Market conditions? What are the options for the mainstream? How to build a firewall body? What issues need attention? In Zhu editor for them contact the United Research Institute of Information Security, Dr. Wei, please explain the firewall for them both technology; Also by the “Microcomputer World” magazine organized by the “face to face with a firewall” network security seminar, invited them to participate in seminars to help them understand the various firewall solutions and features, and manufacturers with the help of the successful completion of the construction of the firewall system. Like Lee and Lee so many users, they from?
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本文介绍了一种新型改质水泥防水剂DCW的配方范围及技术原理 ,并用该防水剂代替混凝土中水的含量制成试件 ,对混凝土的常规机械性能进行了测试。试验结果表明 :该改质防水剂