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  There are some 100,000 commercial flights each day in the world, which means that literally millions of interactions take place between pilots and air traffic controllers, very often in a foreign language since English is the international language of civil aviation. This entails a special form of bilingualism as it is very domain-specific and has to be optimal at all times. How does it take place? How efficient is it? Are there breakdowns and if so, what are they due to? What still needs to be improved?
  Dr. Judith Bürki-Cohen, formerly a senior scientist at the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of the Secretary, Research and Technology, has worked extensively on these questions.
  Grosjean: What percentage of communication between pilots and air traffic controllers involves English as a foreign language for one or both parties, would you say?
  Cohen: In non-English speaking countries, near 100 percent, because few air traffic controllers and only some pilots are native speakers of English. In countries where English is the official language, it will depend on the percentage of international flights or international student pilots. This will vary according to region.
  Grosjean: Who is responsible for making sure that both air traffic controllers and pilots are sufficiently proficient to talk to one another in English?
  Cohen: The civil aviation authorities in each country, which are affiliated with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). For all pilots and air traffic controllers, it requires proficiency in aviation phraseology1. Since March 2011, ICAO also requires general English language proficiency2 for pilots and controllers flying internationally or interacting with international flights.
  Grosjean: Is English always respected or do pilots and controllers who share the same language, e.g. a German pilot speaking to a German controller, slip into their native language?
  Cohen: Well, they really shouldn’t. One important reason is the so-called party line3, i.e. a source of information for pilots and for air traffic controllers. The airspace is divided into sectors that communicate on the same radar frequency. As a pilot, I can increase my situation awareness4 by listening to who else is on the same frequency. This tells me who is near me and whether they encounter any weather that I should know about. I may even catch an air traffic controller’s mistake, such as clearing5 me for the same runway as another airplane.   Pilots and controllers speaking in languages other than English deprive non-English speaking pilots flying in the same airspace of the information in the party line, and they thus diminish their situation awareness.
  Grosjean: Flying is one of the safest ways of traveling so communication in English, even though it is in a foreign language for many, seems to work very well. What are the procedures6 that are in place to make it so efficient?
  Cohen: The most important aspect is the strictly regulated phraseology and communication procedures that aim at avoiding misunderstandings. That is why it is so critical that all pilots and air traffic controllers adhere to these procedures, which afford multiple occasions to catch errors. One procedural requirement, for instance, is careful “readback7” by the pilot of what the controller has said, and “hearback8” by the controller. The latter is supposed to listen to the pilot’s readback and catch any readback errors. Of course, errors can go unnoticed, especially in a congested airspace. Efforts are underway to shift routine conversations to “datalink” via satellite, where air traffic controllers can communicate with pilots via text messages.
  Grosjean: There are some instances where communication between pilots and air controllers break down though. Can you tell us how much is due to faulty English as compared to other reasons?
  Cohen: In addition to readback and hearback errors, there are many reasons why communication breakdowns happen. Faulty English is just one of them and restricted to areas with international flights or pilots. Use of non-standard phraseology may or may not be due to lack of English proficiency. There are also stuck microphones which block an entire frequency and there is frequency congestion where a pilot cannot get a word in.
  Another problem is airplane callsign9 confusions, where a pilot may take a clearance for another airplane with a similar sounding callsign. Certainly, all these issues are not helped with lack of English proficiency as a compounding10 factor.
  Grosjean: How important is accent in communication breakdown since a controller and a pilot might each have a different English accent? Would you have an example of an incident due to this?
  Cohen: There are certainly complaints from both pilots and controllers, and incidences where accents may have played a role. A quick search of an official reporting system in the United States for “foreign accent” yields just 10 reports filed in the past 10 years. However, there are many unreported incidents involving pilots flying into non-English speaking territory, pilots using airports with foreign students, pilots communicating with non-native English speaking crew, and of course air traffic controllers communicating with international flights or pilots.   Grosjean: You give specific recommendations for how air traffic controllers should talk to foreign pilots speaking English. What are they?
  Cohen: Controllers should be aware that international pilots may be less familiar with the phraseology or that regional phraseologies may differ. Controllers should be especially careful with numbers and stick to giving them in single digits instead of grouping them, that is, “eight” “three” instead of “eighty-three.” Grouping occurs differently for different languages (three and eighty in German, or four times twenty and three in French). Units for weights, distances, barometric pressure etc. may also be different in different countries.
  Controllers should break the instruction up into its component words by inserting short pauses. Recognizing where one word ends and the next begins is notoriously difficult for listeners of a foreign language. And, of course, controllers should pay extra attention to complete and correct readback. Finally, keeping instructions short will facilitate correct readback and save time over trying to cram too much information into one clearance.
傅聪、傅敏兄弟二人,一在伦敦,一在北京,相隔万里,却同时在世纪疫情里困居家中。我在香港遥忆故交,除了分别致电问候,得知他们现都安好之外,不由得想起了40年前他俩风华正茂时,与他们初次相遇相识的情景。  1980年旧历大年初一,我从巴黎前往伦敦,为了撰写有关傅雷的博士论文去访问傅聪。那时傅敏恰巧也在英国。记得那天很冷,他们住的那条街相当僻静,是个高级住宅区,记不清是哪个方向了,只记得他们家坐落在一个
顾问委员会(姓氏拼音序,下同)  柴明颎 上海外国语大学教授  陈国华 北京外国语大学教授  辜正坤 北京大学教授  黄友义 中国翻译协会常务副会长、教育部MTI教指委主任  连真然 四川省翻译协会副会长  刘士聪 南开大学教授  许 钧 中国翻译协会常务副会长、浙江大学教授  仲偉合 中国翻译协会常务副会长、澳门城市大学教授  评审委员会  主任评委  林 巍 博士,杭州师范大学特聘教授  终审
Still hungry, Rachet ran all the way to the tire and dove in.   She turned as smoothly as flowing water, lifted her head, and breathed in deeply. The Roxville Cats were each back in their First Homes.
【1】很少人会反对,短短数十载现代社会已然发生巨变。其变化体现在各个不同方面。可举之例有:可支配收入增长、消费品和服务大增、个人流动性提高、休闲支出增加和日常家务时间减少。  【2】我们可以强调日益复杂的知识库带来的技术效率提升,或现代消费模式越来越多的资源“足迹”,或贸易的集约化,或传统农村产业的衰落,或制造业向发展中国家转移,或“知识”经济的出现。  【3】我们当然应该指出,这些变化伴随且有时
【编者按】本文内容节选自新华社译审王季良先生的翻译笔记。作者从其翻译外刊的实践中选取例句,配以地道的中文翻译,有时辅以适当说明,指津点要,陈说翻译难点。本刊认为,这些翻译点滴对学习翻译者大有裨益,特刊发以飨读者。  1. in the liquid-coal pipeline  In China, there is about $ 25 billion worth of investments c
【1】很少有人会否认,仅仅数十年间,现代社会就已发生了巨大变化。变化可能表现在诸多不同方面,譬如,可支配收入增长、消费品与服务供应大规模增加、个人出行能力提高、休闲开支增多,以及日常家务时间减少。  【2】可能值得注意的是,日益复杂的知识领域带来的技术效率的提高、现代消费模式留下的不断增加的资源“足迹”、贸易交往的加强、传统乡村产业的衰落、制造业向发展中国家的转移,以及“知识”经济的兴起。  【3
【1】 The effectiveness of cross-cultural communication between communities in the world may also be enhanced by being each other’s cultural sites. Xuanzang (602–664), for instance, went on a pilgrimage
Ant Forest, a green initiative by the world’s leading payment and lifestyle platform Alipay, received the “U.N. Champions of the Earth” award in September.   The award is the United Nation’s highest e
【1】Cultural communities around the world may feel estranged towards each other or they may interact with each other, depending on whether or not they maintain a strong presence in one another’s cultur