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在英国引起食源性疾病的病原微生物主要有三种,其中沙门氏菌尤为重要。家禽和蛋类易被肠炎沙门氏菌噬菌体4型(PT_4)污染,而PT_4是英格兰和威尔士男性中较常见的血清型,但由于所致疾病症状轻微且散在发生,因此易被忽视。另一种病原体是弯曲菌,已诊断明确的食源性疾病多由该菌所致。李斯特菌病并不常见,但由于所致病情严重、胎儿和新生儿易被感染且死亡率较高,因此也是一种重要的病原体。 There are three main pathogenic microorganisms that cause food-borne diseases in the UK, with Salmonella particularly important. Poultry and eggs are more likely to be contaminated with enteritidis salmonella phage type 4 (PT_4), a more common serotype in men in England and Wales, but are easily overlooked due to the mild and scattered symptoms of the disease they cause. Another pathogen is Campylobacter, has been diagnosed with more food-borne diseases caused by the bacteria. Listeriosis is uncommon, but it is also an important pathogen because of the severity of the condition and the high rates of fetal and neonatal infection and high mortality.
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魏虹是湖南人,高中毕业后在衡阳市打工,替人编织竹木藤椅。  一次,魏虹坐公交车去一个客户家里,车厢里非常拥挤,她手中的工具箱不小心蹭着了一个女人,结果挨了一顿臭骂。晚上回家时魏虹不敢坐公共汽车了,怕再碰着别人。    一路上,魏虹边走边想:要是身边有一辆自行车该多好啊!想什么时候走就什么时候走,既不用看人脸色,也不用担心磕着碰着谁了。当晚她就去了一家自行车店,店里摆满了崭新漂亮的自行车,价格从20
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