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近些年来,教育工作者越来越重视音乐教育的文化价值取向问题。在多元文化环境下,如何发展音乐教育呢?本文从多元文化环境出发,系统的阐述了音乐教育在多元文化中的发展,旨在促进我国多元文化的进一步发展,为社会输送大批的高素质音乐人才。 In recent years, educators pay more and more attention to the issue of cultural value orientation of music education. In a multicultural environment, how to develop music education? This article from a multicultural environment, systematically elaborated the development of music education in the multi-culture, with the aim to promote the further development of our country’s multiculturalism, for the community to send a large number of high-quality music Talent.
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