发挥资源优势 构筑特色产业 努力加快县域经济发展

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近年来,嘉荫县委、县政府在省、市的正确领导下,依托丰富的资源优势,积极推进结构调整,努力培育壮大优势特色产业,实现了县域经济和社会各项事业持续快速发展。我们在实践中的主要做法是:一、强化三项措施,推进主辅换位,加快畜牧强县步伐。一是强化政策资金扶持。制定完善了发展绒山羊养殖的优惠政策。先后争取到了市人民银行4500万元绒山羊发展专项贷款、省政府连续三年150万元绒山羊养殖贷款贴息及绒山羊良种繁育基地建设资金100万元。县财政还拿出100万资金成立担保公司,对无担保抵押、有贷款无联保能力的贫困户实行专项扶贫贷款,支持贫困户发展绒山羊养殖。目前,全县共发放绒山羊养殖专项贷款4200余万元。二是强化服务体系建设。健全完善了以县畜牧局为龙头、以 In recent years, under the correct leadership of the provinces and municipalities, Jiayin County Party Committee and County Government actively promote structural adjustment and strive to nurture and develop superior and distinctive industries, relying on their rich resources and resources, and achieve sustained and rapid development of the economy and social undertakings in the county. Our main practice in practice is: First, to strengthen the three measures to promote the transfer of the main auxiliary, accelerate the pace of animal husbandry and strong counties. First, strengthen the policy of financial support. Develop and improve the development of cashmere goats breeding preferential policies. Has won the Municipal People’s Bank 45 million yuan cashmere goat development special loan, the provincial government for three consecutive years 1500000 yuan cashmere goat breeding loan discount and cashmere goat breed breeding base construction funds 1000000 yuan. County Finance has also set aside 1000000 yuan of funds to set up security companies, unsecured mortgages, loans without UNPROFOR poverty alleviation loans to implement special loans to support the development of cashmere goats breeding poor households. At present, the county issued a total of more than 4200 million special loans goat breeding loans. Second, strengthen the service system. Improve and perfect the county animal husbandry bureau as a leader, with
22.两裁判员临场时,为什么要进行分工? 现代的篮球比赛,现代的篮球裁判法,都需要和要求两裁判员密切配合与协作。一裁判员负责观察有球区,另一裁判员负责观察无球区,只有在
原发官颈的恶性淋巴瘤罕见,国内仅见二例报告,我院从1958年至今31年来见有本病二例,特予以报道。 病例1 住院号419551 32岁,妊3产1,因阴道不规则出血,伴多量水样恶臭白带1年
当前的经济全球化 ,简言之就是各国经济活动向全球的扩展 ,它包括生产、贸易和金融活动的全球化等多方面内容。它以发达国家为主导 ,以跨国公司为主要载体 ,以世界统一大市场
竞争性的价格下降,垄断性的价格上升——从中可以看出中国宏观经济的格局与变化 Competing prices fall and monopoly prices go up - from which we can see the pattern a