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1基本职责根据《农作物种子质量检验机构考核管理办法》(2007年12月6日农业部第15次常务会议通过农业部令第12号发布)的要求,各种子检验机构在质量体系文件中明确了业务室的职责,主要是以下几个方面:一是组织制定年度检验工作计划,对检验计划实施情况进行监督,起草有关文件和工作总结;二是贯彻执行国家有关法律、法规和中心质量体系文件;三是负责外部业务联 1 Basic Responsibilities According to the requirements of the Measures for the Examination and Management of Crop Seed Quality Inspection Institutions (Issued by Ministry of Agriculture Decree No. 12 on the 6th executive meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture on December 6, 2007), all the sub-inspection agencies shall, in their quality system documents Clear responsibilities of the business room, mainly in the following areas: First, organize the development of annual inspection work plan, supervision of the implementation of the inspection plan, drafting the relevant documents and work summary; second is to implement the relevant state laws and regulations and the quality of the center System files; third is responsible for the external business unit
This study aims to systematically analyze the key parameters of the reflow process that influence the uniformity of the chromium passivation film coated on tinp
1 基本情况rn宣威市位于云南省东北部,是云南省最大的农业县级市,总面积6 069.88km2,有耕地面积14.5万hm2,总人口142万人,其中农业人口127万人,山区、半山区占全市面积的95%,
High-strength pipeline steel and large diameter line pipes are often used to increase the capacity of transportation and reduce the cost associated with the con
1 种植大户购买“白皮袋”种子问题逐年严重——“白皮袋”立案查处难rn随着农业经营方式的转变,家庭农场、专业大户、合作组织等新型经营主体蓬勃发展,农业生产模式面临大转
Strain ageing in steel was first observed during the 19th century when the maximum load carrying capacity of a test piece was increased after it had been retest