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积极推动我国轻型复合墙板健康发展两部两局墙体材料革新和建筑节能办公室主任陈福广国务院颁布国发[1992]66号文件,至今已有一年多了。一年多来,在文件的强大动力推动下,全国墙改和节能建筑推广出现了前所未有的好形势。回顾6年的历程,我国墙改和节能建筑推... Actively promoting the healthy development of China’s light-weight composite wallboard The two bureaus of the two-in-one wall material innovation and building energy conservation office director Chen Fuguang State Council issued the document [1996] No. 66, has been more than a year. Over the past year or so, under the strong impetus of the document, the nation’s wall reform and promotion of energy-saving buildings have seen an unprecedented good situation. Reviewing the history of 6 years, China’s wall reform and energy-saving construction push...
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计算机正逐步推广应用于铸造生产过程,但在铸造工艺设计中运用计算机则处于起始阶段。 本文阐述了用计算机进行浇注系统的辅助设计方法。以伯努利理论为基础,将常用的经验数
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