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  As the name suggest,salvation is the act of redemption or saving,it changes the bad situation.There’re essential differences between salvation and rescue,because the object of salvation is psychology rather than physiology.However,weather the salvation succeed or not is judged by later actions and behaviors.
  There’re two kinds of salvation:redeem yourself and redeem others.As the saying goes,it takes a strong man to save himself and a great man to save others.Redeem yourself is the process of self-examination,self-criticism and self-correction.In the past,what I’ve done wrong?Who has been hurt by me?What qualities do I lack?You need to calm yourself and ask yourself repeatedly during self-redemption.Redeem others is the process of excluding the difficulty and anxiety for others,you need to dissolve negative emotions and bring positive energy to others,dispel darkness as well as bring light to them.
  Salvation sounds divine and unattainable,yet they exit around us.For example,the process of study is self-redemption,through study you can learn more and more new knowledge so that you can enrich yourself.Another example,reading is also the act of redemptive.It’s said that reading is the ladder of human progress.The process of reading is the process of dialogue with the author,when you forget yourself and devote to books,you can know what the author wants to express and what they want you to learn.Also,stop others from doing bad things is salvation too.
  All in all,salvation promotes human progress,dispel the darkness.It’s buried in the depths of human hearts:the seed of goodness,which can dispel evil and make the world more beautiful and harmonious.
◆摘 要:抗日战争时期戏剧大师欧阳予倩先生在广西贺州开展了一系列以宣传抗日、鼓舞斗志、救亡图存为主题的文艺实践活动。欧阳予倩先生主要通过戏剧表演、办报和写时评等文艺活动表达了其文艺为广大人民群众服务,文艺标准与政治标准统一的艺术理念。  ◆关键词:欧阳予倩;文艺观;抗战时期  抗日战争时期,我国话剧改革的先驱,著名的戏剧教育家和艺术家欧阳予倩先生跟随抗战后方的转移来到贺州,在贺州和一批抗日的爱国进
我最早听到《围城》,是很小的时候偶然读了一篇对主持人孟非的采访稿,孟先生提到上自己上高二时已经完全听不懂化学课的内容,只能埋头在教室后面,痴迷于钱钟书先生的《围城》。  大概那时起,我脑海里就有了关于《围城》的印象,只不过那时我脑海中浮现的是一群士兵架着云梯攻城的战争画面。  记得有一次,我偶然间在广大一个书摊上看见了《围城》。其实我对钱钟书先生这部大作慕名已久,以前上高中的时候读过一段,由于琐事
今年6月11日至20日,我有幸赴华师参加了高考阅卷工作。十天的阅卷,与高考“亲密接触”,虽高强度,高压力,头昏眼花,腰酸背痛,但颇有收获,对以后的语文教学大有裨益。  先谈谈阅卷中的感受:  第一是严肃、严谨。两名保安大哥整天端坐于阅卷入口处,每天阅卷时间为上午8∶00到12∶00,下午2∶30到6∶00,上午10∶00和下午4∶00各休息10分钟,不许迟到,不许早退。背包和手机一律不得入座。整个