夜色如水 月如人生

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远处传来一阵凄凉的狗吠声。原来是枝头两只争巢的乌鸦不小心挤落了太阳,惊醒了它悠闲的清梦。四周的天空渐渐地充满了幻景。天上的星星把远处近处的万家灯火一颗颗地点亮,夜便如池沼里的水,一层层地漾开,其声琮王争,如妙乐一般。月亮在你脸前铺开一条明辉的路,如同长者银白的胡须。最好是独处。没有歌舞笙箫的扑朔迷离,没有吵闹喧嚣的市井烦俗,没有电视音像的缠绵侵扰……在孤独的幽远处,对生命的思索会从你灵魂深处冉冉升起,化成震颤沉寂的梦想,激荡你无尽的智慧。这时,打开平日里无暇光顾的书橱,触摸闪耀着睿智和灵光的经典散文,和从时空中飘然走来的智者对话,你是否会看到创造的活力正踩着夜的微波向你袭来? A desolate dog bark came in the distance. Turned out to be the two branches of the crow crow crowded carelessly the sun, awakened its leisurely dreams. The sky around is gradually filled with illusion. The stars in the distance to the distant lights of the thousands of brightly lit, the night will be like the pool of water, layer by layer Yang Kai, its sobbing, such as wonderful music in general. The moon spreads a bright path in front of your face, like a silvery beard of the elderly. It is best to be alone. There is no singing and dancing Sheng Xiao confusing, no noisy noise of the marketplace, there is no television audio and video lingering intrusive ... In secluded lonely, thinking about life rising from the depths of your soul, into a tremor quiet dream, stirring Your endless wisdom. At this moment, open the bookcases that are frequented by daydreams, touch the classic essays that sparkle with wisdom and intelligence, and talk to wise men floating in space and time, will you see that the vitality of creation is stepping on the nightly microwave to strike you ?
让死者有那不朽的名,但让生者有那不朽的爱。 ──泰戈尔《飞鸟集》 1998年 3月 5日,西安市煤气公司液化气管理所发生了储罐泄漏事故,并继发爆炸,14位消防官兵和工厂职工在爆炸中光荣牺牲
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