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一、工程概况太澳高速公路济源—晋城段高速公路在公路里程K13+227.5处与焦柳铁路斜交,高速公路以框架桥形式下穿既有铁路,公路中心线与焦柳铁路相交处对应焦柳铁路的里程为K36+485.6。公路中心线与焦柳铁路夹角为48.5度。立交为2m~12m框架式立交桥整体顶进,立交内路面以上净高不超过5.5m。该处焦柳铁路位于济源至莲东区 I. Project Overview Taiyuan-Macao Expressway Jiyuan - Jincheng Expressway K13 +227.5 at highway mileage and the Jiao-Liu railway bias, the highway under the framework of the bridge through the existing railway under the form of, the center line of the road and the intersection of Jiao-Liu railway corresponding The mileage of Jiao-Liu Railway is K36 + 485.6. Angle between the center of the highway and the Jiao Liu railway is 48.5 degrees. Interchange for the 2m ~ 12m frame overpass as a whole forward, the overpass pavement above the net height of not more than 5.5m. The Department of Jiao Liu railway located in Jiyuan to Lien Dong District
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