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在塔式起重机基础定位施工中,通过计算机绘图放样的方法进行施工,既准确,又方便,以下就为大家介绍具体做法。(1)根据建筑物的特征以及塔式起重机的有效工作幅度,确定塔式起重机与建筑物的距离。图1所示为QTZ40整体式十字交梁混凝土基础图。00000000 In the tower crane foundation positioning construction, through computer drawing lofting method for construction, both accurate and convenient, the following for everyone to introduce specific practices. (1) Determine the distance between the tower crane and the building based on the characteristics of the building and the effective working range of the tower crane. Figure 1 shows the QTZ40 monolithic cross-beam concrete foundation map. 00000000
我们1980~1991年收治多发性骨髓瘤(MM)25例,其中17例误诊。一、误诊的疾病1.以骨痛为主要表现者误诊8例,其中误诊为腰肌劳损、骨质琉松各2例,误诊为纵隔肿瘤4例。 We from 1
本文对潜在型克山病病人30例,非病区健康人30例的心电向量图 T 环作了对比分析。两组人群在性别、年龄上作了配对选择。两组结果进行了配对 T 检验。结果见下表。 In this
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m the composite sequence. Experimental results show that the new images integrate the advantages of sources, effectively improve the visualization, and disclose
gy, AE counts, AE amplitude changing with loading time are analyzed for the notched alumina specimen. It is indicated that AE characteristic parameters reflect
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