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  父母是孩子人生的第一任老师,家庭教育对孩子的影响极其深远。不过,目前在国内,家庭教育更多局限于学前教育时期。而在美国,家庭教育已成为独立于学校教育之外的另一种教育模式,其涵盖范围远远超过学前教育。这种新趋势引人注目,值得探究一番。 ——Maisie
  The first thing you notice about Karen Allen’s house is that it is spotless. Even in her teenage boys’ bedrooms, not a thing is out of place. And her boys, Thomas and Taylor, are polite and 2)engaging. The Allens are home-schoolers. Instead of sending their children to a public (non-fee-paying) or private school, they teach them at home. A generation ago, home-schooling was rare and, in many states, illegal. Now, according to the Department of Education, there are roughly 1.5m home-schooled students in America, a number that has doubled in a decade. That is about 3% of the school-age population.
  Why do people teach their children at home? Many of the earliest were 3)hippies who thought public schools 4)repressive and 5)ungroovy. Now they are far more likely to be religious conservatives. At a public school, says Mrs. Allen, her boys would get neither much individual attention nor any Christian instruction. At home they get plenty of both.
  In a 2007 survey by the Department of Education, 88% of home-schooling parents said that their local public schools were unsafe, drug-6)ridden or 7)unwholesome in some way. Some 73% complained of 8)shoddy academic standards. And 83% said they wanted to instill religious or moral values in their children.
  Those who teach at home are passionate about it. They have to be: it is a huge undertaking. One parent, usually the mother, drops out of the workforce and devotes her life to teaching. The family must 9)subsist on a single income while still paying the taxes that 10)finance public schools. Home-schooling is not for the 11)faint-hearted.
  “It becomes a lifestyle,” says Mrs. Allen. She teaches her boys English, history and Bible studies. Maths comes on a DVD. When they go shopping, she teaches them economics. On holiday in Alaska, they made 12)moulds of a wolf’s paw print, a “science adventure”.
  Not all home-schoolers 13)shun the public schools for religious reasons. Anne Mitchell, for example, pulled her son Gordon out because she did not like the way his school dealt with his 14)cerebral palsy. Rather than helping him to do things himself, it assigned a helper to follow him around and do everything for him. A tenth of home-schooling parents say that one of their children has a physical or mental problem that the local school cannot or will not 15)accommodate. And some parents teach at home because their children are brilliant and public school fails to 16)stretch them. American public schools are rigidly 17)secular. Private schools are expensive. For parents who want their children to grow up relatively unexposed to doubt or 18)indecent 19)lunchroom 20)chatter, home-schooling offers hope.
  Opponents of home-schooling—and some of them are 21)vehement—argue that it is socially divisive. Also, since it is regulated lightly or not at all, it is hard to tell whether children being taught at home are receiving an adequate education. “Unregulated home-schooling opens up the possibility that children will never learn about…alternative ways of life,” writes Rob Reich of22)Stanford University.
  But parents make no apology for 23)shielding their children from what they see as bad influences. They 24)hotly deny that children learn better social skills on a school playground than at home. The children we met in Georgia were confident, 25)gregarious and socialised a lot, 26)albeit mostly with families doing the same thing. They were also at ease with friends of different ages. Public-school kids, by contrast, live in an “age-27)segregated herd”, scoffs Michael Farris, the 28)chancellor of 29)Patrick Henry College, a Christian university in Virginia most of whose students were taught at home.
  Whether teaching at home yields better or worse academic results than the conventional sort is impossible to say. Its 30)boosters argue that one-on-one instruction helps children learn, and point to the 31)striking number of home-schooled children who win debating contests and 32)spelling bees. A study of 20,000 home-schooled students in 1998 by Lawrence Rudner of the 33)University of Maryland found that they scored well above average in academic tests, and subsequent studies have found similar results. This is impressive, but does not prove that the method is superior. Parents who teach at home are deeply involved in their children’s education, and the children of such parents do well in normal schools, too.
  Some states try to regulate home-schooling. Twenty-six require parents to provide regular test scores or professional evaluations of their children’s progress. Of these, six, concentrated in the north-east, require much more, such as the use of approved curriculums or home visits by bureaucrats. Fourteen states demand only that parents tell the authorities that they are home-schooling. And ten do not regulate it at all. Some children taught at home, undoubtedly, receive a poor education. But so do many children in public schools.
  The 34)movement will probably continue to grow. For one thing, it is getting easier. The Internet lets parents discover teaching materials and communicate with each other, 35)swapping tips online. They lobby vigorously against anything that might 36)cramp their freedom. Moreover, having Barack Obama in the White House may cause more people to pull their children out of public schools, predicts Mr. Farris. Views of the government are 37)coloured by views of the president, he says, even though the president has little control over education. And Mr. Obama is far too liberal for most of America’s home-schoolers.
2008年5月12日14点28分,四川汶川,一场里氏8.0级的地震袭来。无数生命在那一刻永远逝去,许多曾经美丽安宁的村庄顿时变成了一片片惨不忍睹的废墟……  灾难面前,我们感受着生命的渺小和脆弱,更惊叹于生命的伟大和神奇。灾难让我们懂得:活着真好!灾难更让我们思考:怎样才能活得有意义?——珍惜拥有,努力活得充实精彩!  亲爱的读者们,当你们看到这篇文章时,距离地震发生已经过去了两个多月。都说时间能
1992年4月,一个名叫克里斯 麦克肯多斯的年轻男子一路搭便车到阿拉斯加,独自步入麦金莱山北边的旷野。他出身于美国东岸的一个富裕家庭,以优异的成绩毕业于美国一所私立名校,是一个有着狂热梦想的年轻人,一直想摒弃现代社会的物质生活,回归大自然的旷野之中。他从家乡出发,先是改名换姓,把银行帐户中的两万多美元捐给慈善机构,然后放弃了车子,还把身上的现金全都烧掉。他一路上认识各种不同的人,经历了许多不同的
Paparazzo,“帕帕垃圾”,意大利语,指一种会嗡嗡叫、惹人烦的蚊子。1960年,费德里柯·费里尼大师的电影《甜蜜生活》中有一个专门拍摄明星私生活的摄影记者,就叫“Paparazzo”。从此,这个名字就专门用来称呼那些让名人讨厌的小报摄影记者。在国内,这一职业则被称为“狗仔”。  罗恩·格拉拉,上世纪七八十年代美国最著名的狗仔队员,曾因偷拍好莱坞明星马龙·白兰度而被打掉5颗牙齿,因长期跟踪拍摄
如果说美国的次贷危机可能拖慢全球经济发展的步伐,那另一种危机已经切切实实地在全世界范围内引发了大规模的灾难性动荡。这里所说的就是全球粮食短缺和食品价格飚升引致的粮食危机。危机让发达国家也有些难以招架,但它的破坏力还是真正体现在贫困国家。  为什么会出现粮食危机?危机给人类带来的灾难性打击有哪些?我们该如何携手应对?本文把答案一一道来。    In our television age, the m
The Ten Cat Commandments  1. I am the Lord of thy house.  2. Thou shall have no other pets before me.   3. Thou shalt not ever ignore me.   4. I shall ignore thou when I feel like it.   5. Thou shalt
读着这篇文章,很自然地想起了无数奋战在抗震救灾一线的战士们,他们有一个共同的名字——最可爱的人!虽然灾难无情,但军人们的无私付出和忠诚守护让我们坚信:我们一定可以重建美好家园!让我们向那些最可爱也是最可敬的军人们致敬!并祈愿他们健康平安!   ——Maisie    Memorial Day has always been a very special day to me. Whether cam
一位澳洲电视工作者,有一年,父亲突然身故、工作遭遇瓶颈、家庭关系也陷入僵局,就在人生跌落谷底、生活即将崩溃时,偶然间读到一本百年古书,发现了一个生命中的重大秘密,而过去知道这个秘密的竟然都是历史上的伟大人物:柏拉图、莎士比亚、牛顿、雨果、贝多芬、林肯、爱默生、爱迪生、爱因斯坦……她不禁要问:“为什么不是每个人都知道呢?”   于是,她开始组织一个工作团队,寻找当今世界知道这个秘密的人。他们都是各行
Angrily, the manager in the movie 1)Bull Durham asserts, “This is a simple game. You throw the ball! You hit the ball! You catch the ball!”  I wish baseball was that simple, but many of its 2)nuances
在印度最贫穷而边远的北部班达地区,有一支由女性组成的义务警队,专门对付腐败官员、家庭暴力,挑战不公平的种姓制度,争取女性权力。她们身穿美丽的粉红色纱丽,成为了充满传奇色彩的“粉红娘子军”。    Under a 1)scorching summer sun, a swarm of 400 furious women 2)engulfed the 3)scruffy electricity offi
After six years on a 2)prescription 3)estrogen 4)patch that 5)alleviated her hot flashes, but did nothing to address her midlife 25-pound weight gain, Martha B. started searching to treat her 6)menopa