第一本新中国诗刊 几十年新诗歌传承 欢迎订阅《星星》诗刊

来源 :星星(上旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinke1983
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主编:梁平常务副主编:龚学敏《星星·诗歌原创》(上旬刊)是中国当代诗坛创刊最旱,最具权威性、经典性和包容性的国家中文类核心期刊.刨刊于1957年1月1日,是新中国的第一本诗歌刊物。自创刊以来,《星星》诗刊一直站在诗歌的前沿推动着中国新诗的繁荣与发展。每月1日出版。邮发代号:62—97定价:6元/期全年72元《星星·诗歌理论》(中旬刊)是当代中国唯一一本诗歌理论与批评月刊,主要展示当前中国诗歌的学术成果,是一本融前沿性、贴近性、学理性为一体的学术期刊,是了解中国诗歌现场、把握当代中国诗歌发展态势的一个重 Editor: Liang Ping Executive Deputy Editor: Gong Xuemin “Star Poetry Original” (last issue) is the most arid, authoritative, classic and inclusive national Chinese core journals published in contemporary Chinese poetry published in January 1957 On January 1, it was the first publication of poetry in new China. Since its inception, “Star” Poetry has been standing on the forefront of poetry to promote the prosperity and development of new Chinese poetry. Published on the 1st of each month. Postal code: 62-97 Price: 6 yuan / year 72 yuan “Star poetry theory” (mid-term) is the only contemporary Chinese poetry theory and criticism of monthly, mainly to show the current academic achievements of Chinese poetry is An academic journals that integrates cutting-edge, closeness, and rationality are important parts of understanding Chinese poetry and grasping the development trend of contemporary Chinese poetry
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