运用有计划商品经济理论 深化勘测设计部门生产经营机制改革

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赵紫阳同志在党的十三大报告中,明确提出“我国正处在社会主义的初级阶段”。“必须以公有制为主体,大力发展有计划的商品经济”,“以为不经过生产力的巨大发展就可以越过社会主义初级阶段,是革命发展问题上的空想论,是“左”顷错误的重要认识根源”。这段话清楚地告诉我们:在一个相当长的历史时期,我们全党和全国人民的中心任务,是大力发展社会生产力,繁荣社会主义商品经济。从我们四院的实际情况出发,必须深化改革生产的经营机制。现有的一套生产管理办法,基本上是五十年代从苏联引进的。三十多年来,虽然完成了大量的铁路勘测设计任务,对铁路建设事业的发展做出了应有的贡献,在改革方面也有了可喜的进展。但由于勘测设计工作传统观念的束缚还存在许多弊端,适应不了社会主义有计划商品经济的发展。这些弊端主要是:1.院一级权力过份集中。名为三级管理,实为一级控制。生产计划权、人权、物权、财权基本上都集中在院 Comrade Zhao Ziyang clearly stated in the report of the 13th CPC National Congress that “China is in the primary stage of socialism.” “We must use public ownership as the main body to vigorously develop a planned commodity economy,” and “think that we can get past the primary stage of socialism without huge productivity development. It is an illusion on the issue of revolutionary development. It is an important understanding that the ”left“ is erroneous. source”. This passage clearly tells us that in a relatively long historical period, the central task of our entire party and people throughout the country is to vigorously develop social productive forces and to prosper the socialist commodity economy. Starting from the actual conditions of our Fourth Hospital, we must deepen the reform of the operating mechanism of production. The existing set of production management methods was basically imported from the Soviet Union in the 1950s. For more than 30 years, although a large number of railway survey and design tasks have been completed, it has made due contributions to the development of the railway construction industry and made gratifying progress in the reform. However, due to the traditional concept of survey and design work, there are still many drawbacks that cannot adapt to the development of a planned socialist commodity economy. These drawbacks are mainly: 1. The excessive concentration of power at the hospital level. Named three levels of management, it is actually a level of control. Production planning rights, human rights, property rights, and financial power are all concentrated in the hospital.
每位写作者都有相对擅长的创作文体。一种文体写作久了,不免有向其他文体拓展的想法。我是习惯于写散文的,个人的感受是,从小说到散文容易,但写散文久了,想写小说就难些。   不少作者在散文写作上已经很纯熟了,却仍囿于此文体,横溢的才华不能够在小说上有所作为。问题在于,散文与小说是两种不同的思维方式。散文思维成为定势的作者,写起小说来,因为迷恋词藻,迷恋意境,迷恋象征隐喻,迷恋以全知全能的视觉来对自然、
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