Comparison on Traditional and Machinery Decoctions for Da-cheng-qi Decoction Based on Chemical Ingre

来源 :Chinese Herbal Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:werr2000
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Objective Patients and doctors often have questions about the equivalence of traditional and machinery decoctions. In this article, using Da-cheng-qi Decoction(DCQD) as a model of formula, traditional decoction(TD), machinery decoction under high pressure(MDHP), and machinery decoction under normal pressure(MDNP) were compared. Methods For chemical components, HPLC fingerprints were established and evaluated using AHP combined with CRITIC weighing method; For animals’ effects, the experiments of small intestinal propulsion were conducted; For clinical effects, a randomized clinical trial(RCT) was designed and performed. Results Although there were some differences between TD and MDNP in chemical ingredients, there was no significant difference in animal experiments and clinical trials(P > 0.05). Conclusion The traditional and machinery decoctions of DCQD could be used bioequivalently. Objective Patients and doctors often have questions about the equivalence of traditional and machinery decoctions. In this article, using Da-cheng-qi Decoction (DCQD) as a model of formula, traditional decoction (TD), machinery decoction under high pressure (MDHP) Methods for chemical components, HPLC fingerprints were established and evaluated using AHP combined with CRITIC weighing method; For animals’ effects, the experiments of small intestinal propulsion were conducted; For clinical effects, Results of there are some differences between TD and MDNP in chemical ingredients, there was no significant difference in animal experiments and clinical trials (P> 0.05). Conclusion The traditional and machinery decoctions of DCQD could be used bioequivalently.
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