
来源 :中原医刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzggwd
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胃癌是消化系统常见的恶性肿瘤,发病率高,早期不易发现,晚期于术后容易复发。单一治疗常不能凑效。笔者用中西医结合治疗一例疗效满意,现报道如下: 患者,李某,男,66岁。于1986年2月因进行性吞咽不利,上腹部胀痛3月余而就诊。经消化道造影及胃镜检查确诊为胃贲门低分化腺癌。同年三月在某空军医院行胃次全切除术,大体标本病检为胃贲门低分化腺癌。出院后并能从事家务劳动。 1987年11月术前症状再度出现,并伴有上腹部烧灼感,消化道造影显示手术吻合口狭窄。胃镜检查证实为胃贲门低分化腺癌术后复发。因病属晚期不能再手术建议放疗。在 Gastric cancer is a common malignancy in the digestive system. It has a high incidence and is not easy to detect in the early stage. Monotherapy often does not work. The author used a combination of Chinese and Western medicine to treat a patient with satisfactory results. The report is as follows: Patients, Lee, male, 66 years old. In February 1986, she experienced medical problems due to progressive dysphagia and pain in her upper abdomen for more than three months. Gastroenteral poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma was diagnosed by gastrointestinal angiography and gastroscopy. In March of the same year, subtotal gastrectomy was performed at an Air Force Hospital. The gross specimen examination was poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the gastric cardia. After discharge, he can also perform domestic work. The preoperative symptoms reappeared in November 1987 with a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. Anastomosis stenosis was indicated by gastrointestinal angiography. Gastroscopy confirmed the recurrence of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of gastric cardia. Because of the late stage of the disease, it is not possible to recommend surgery for radiotherapy. in
上帝呵 !请原谅我那不善言辞的祈祷。有什么办法 ,我只曾学过一句“我们在天的父”。记得那还是半大孩子的时候 ,为了开心 ,为了在朋友们面前炫耀。46岁之前我没有祈祷过 ,但
<正> 据俄罗斯《消息报》报道,俄罗斯总统普京在2002年6月12日签署命令颁布2001年度俄罗斯国家文学与艺术奖。诗人康斯坦丁&#183;雅科夫列维奇&#183;万申金及作家达尼伊尔&#1
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据英国《文学评论》杂志2002年6月号报道,最近颁布的2002年度英联邦文学奖授予澳大利亚作家理查德·弗拉纳根的长篇小说新作《古尔德的鱼书》(Gould’s According to the B