Race Specificity of Major Rice Blast Resistance Genes to Magnaporthe grisea Isolates Collected from

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sea23266
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Race-specific resistance and field resistance of 30 rice blast resistance monogenic lines derived from different resources were evaluated. The spectra of resistance to 163 Magnaporthe grisea isolates collected from indica rice in Guangdong Province, China ranged from 0.6% to 89.6%. Most of the monogenic lines showed a narrow resistance spectrum and high susceptibility in rice blast area, whereas the lines with Pikh and Pi1(t) had the broad resistance spectra of 89.6% and 82.2% respectively, showing a high and stable blast resistance in fields. According to the cluster analysis of specific resistance to 163 blast isolates tested, the 30 monogenic lines were divided into 15 groups, and based on the principal factor analysis, nine kinds of race-specific resistance were identified. Pik, Piz5, Pi9 and Pish can be used as candidate resistance genes for rice breeding since their specific resistance differed from those of the backbone parents in Guangdong, China. Gene pyramiding of Pikh [or Pi1(t)], Pi9 (or Piz5) and Pish (or Pita2) will be effective to obtain broad-spectrum blast resistance in rice breeding program in Guangdong, China. The strategies for studying and application of rice blast resistance genes were discussed. Race-specific resistance and field resistance of 30 rice blast resistance monogenic lines derived from different resources were. The spectra of resistance to 163 Magnaporthe grisea isolates collected from indica rice in Guangdong Province, China ranged from 0.6% to 89.6%. Most of the monogenic lines showed a narrow resistance spectrum and high susceptibility in rice blast area, whereas the lines with Pikh and Pi1 (t) had the broad resistance spectra of 89.6% and 82.2% respectively, showing a high and stable blast resistance in fields. According to the cluster analysis of specific resistance to 163 blast isolates tested, the 30 monogenic lines were divided into 15 groups, and based on the principal factor analysis, nine kinds of race-specific resistance were identified. Pik, Piz5, Pi9 and Pish can be used as candidate resistance genes for rice breeding since their specific resistance differed from those of the backbone parents in Guangdong, China. Gene pyramiding of Pikh [or Pi 1 (t)], Pi9 (or Piz5) and Pish (or Pita2) will be effective to obtain broad-spectrum blast resistance in rice breeding program in Guangdong, China. The strategies for studying and application of rice blast resistance genes were discussed.
数学教学中培养学生的思维能力,养成良好的思维品质是教学改革的一个重要课题.在教学过程中,除注意增加变式题、综合题外,适当设计一些开放型习题,不仅能培养学生思维的深刻性和灵活性,还能提高学生的学习成绩和分析问题及解决问题的能力.  一、设计一题多结果型的题,培养学生思维的严密性  在数学教学中,培养学生良好思维品质,使学生分析问题有逻辑,书写有条理,同时还要培养学生分析问题严谨,不遗漏,考虑所有可能
目的 探讨护理专案改善在降低导管室护理手术护理记录书写缺陷率中的应用.方法 以护理专案实施前的200例护理记录为对照组,护理专案实施后的200例护理记录为试验组,确立降低
摘 要: 本文结合大连民族学院专业学位研究生培养工作的实际,从加强“双导师”制度建设、加强企业实践环节建设、积极争取政府支持、通过系列创新活动提高研究生的创新素质四个方面,探讨构建产学研协同创新的专业学位研究生培养模式的方法。  关键词: 协同创新 产学研结合 研究生培养模式  2009年起,教育部开始大力发展专业学位研究生教育,预计到2015年,专业硕士和学术型硕士的招生比例将达1:1,以推进研
摘 要: 大学生思想活跃,他们的思想道德水平关系到国家的发展、政局和高校的稳定。本文从政治观念、价值观、道德观念和自我认识方面详细阐述了当代大学生思想道德的特点。  关键词: 大学生 思想道德 当代  一、政治观念方面  当代大学生思想政治状况的主流是积极、健康、向上的,他们关心国家大事,有爱国热情,耳闻目睹了改革开放的成就,亲身感受着祖国的发展和进步,关心改革,支持改革,通过学习和实践,认识到党
摘 要: 高职院校学报是高校学报不可忽视的一部分,办好高职院校内刊学报需要在办刊基本理念的基础上,寻找新的突破口,明确定位,服务地方,打造特色栏目;主动出击,广泛宣传,积极拓宽稿源;加强建设,狠抓质量,完善保障体系。把学报办成高质量、重规范、具有鲜明个性特色的学术性刊物。  关键词: 高职院校 内刊 学报 生存与发展  我国高等职业教育事业发展迅速,教育规模不断扩大,作为高等职业教育科研和教学成果
摘 要: 高职学生在参与顶岗实习的过程中,由于自我保护意识不强、交叉管理责权不明确等诸多因素,造成对实习学生管理的极大疏漏与隐患。本文旨在研究高职学生顶岗实习过程中的种种问题,并结合工作实际情况,探索行之有效的解决之道。  关键词: 高职教育 实习管理 教育思考  一、高职学生顶岗实习的意义  按照高职院校的培养目标和教学方式,学生专业技能实训是教学中的重要环节。区别于普通高等教育,高职教育侧重于