miRNA-103: Molecular link between insulin resistance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinqinlian1982
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AIM: To investigate the associations between miRNA-103(mi R-103) and insulin resistance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD).METHODS: Serum samples were collected from 50 NAFLD patients who were overweight or obese(NAFLD group) and from 30 healthy subjects who served as controls(normal control group). Quantitative polymerasechain reaction was used to detect expression of mi R-103. Fasting plasma glucose, fasting insulin, and triglyceride(TG) levels were measured. Homeostasis model assessment was used to evaluate basal insulin resistance(HOMA-IR). Patient height and weight were measured to calculate body mass index(BMI).RESULTS: Compared with the normal control group, higher serum levels of mi R-103 were expressed in the NAFLD group(8.18 ± 0.73 vs 4.23 ± 0.81, P = 0.000). When P = 0.01(bilateral), mi R-103 was positively correlated with HOMA-IR(r = 0.881), TG(r = 0.774) and BMI(r = 0.878), respectively. mi R-103, TG and BMI were all independent factors for HOMAIR(β = 0.438/0.657/0.251, P = 0.000/0.007/0.001). mi R-103, TG, BMI and HOMA-IR were all risk factors for NAFLD(odds ratio = 2.411/16.196/1.574/19.11, P = 0.009/0.022/0.01/0.014).CONCLUSION: mi R-103 is involved in insulin resistance and NAFLD, and may be a molecular link between insulin resistance and NAFLD and a therapeutic target for these disorders. AIM: To investigate the associations between miRNA-103 (mi R-103) and insulin resistance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). METHODS: Serum samples were collected from 50 NAFLD patients who were overweight or obese (NAFLD group) and from 30 Fasting plasma glucose, fasting insulin, and triglyceride (TG) levels were measured. Homeostasis model assessment was used to evaluate basal RESULTS: Compared with the normal control group, higher serum levels of mi R-103 were expressed in the NAFLD group (8.18 ± 0.73 (r = 0.774) and BMI (r = 0.878), respectively, when P = 0.01 (bilateral), mi R-103 was positively correlated with HOMA-IR . mi R-103, TG and BMI were all independent factors for HOMAIR (β = 0.438 / 0.6 MI odds ratio = 2.411 / 16.196 / 1.574 / 19.11, P = 0.009 / 0.022 / 0.01 (P = 0.000 / 0.007 / /0.014). CONCLUSION: mi R-103 is involved in insulin resistance and NAFLD, and may be a molecular link between insulin resistance and NAFLD and a therapeutic target for these disorders.
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绪言业已了解,腺苷酸环化酶和 cAMP 的相关机理有调节各组织的细胞机能和增殖的作用。然而,该系统在红细胞造血的调节作用仍然不清础。可是,在体外培养中,cAMP对红系造血的
测字,也称拆字。它以汉字加减笔画,拆开偏旁,或打乱字体结构,加以发挥,来推算吉凶。其实是一种迷信。 戏剧《十五贯》中就有测字的情节。卖肉的尤葫芦喝醉了酒,被赌棍娄 Me
这把新的符号样板尺作为绘制制冷、空调、通风和冷却水装置的工业技术图、电路图、调节系统图、管路图和综合性的制冷和冷却水系统图的辅助工具。 This new sign-like rule