Geochemical genesis of geothermal waters from the Longling hydrothermal area, Yunnan, Southwestern C

来源 :Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:furuirui
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Longling is characterized by a wide distribution of hydrothermal areas, among which the Banglazhang hydrothermal system is the most geothermally active. Banglazhang is marked by intensive hydrothermal activities including hot springs, geysers, fumaroles and hydrothermal explosions. The geothermal waters from the Longling region are mainly HCO_3-Na type with low but comparable SO_4 and Cl concentrations. Calculations based on a variety of chemical geothermometers and a K-Ca geobarometer indicate that the Banglazhang hydrothermal system has much higher subsurface temperature and CO_2 pressure compared to the other systems such as Daheba, Dazhulin and Huangcaoba. However, geothermal water samples collected from all these alternative hydrothermal areas are either partially equilibrated with reservoir minerals or are immature. The silica-enthalpy relationships of Banglazhang geothermal waters indicate the presence of a deep geothermal fluid with an enthalpy value and silica concentration of 945 J/g(up to around 220 °C) and 339 mg/L. Our work indicates the Banglazhang area is a promising source in terms of long-term utilization of hydrothermal resources. Longling is characterized by a wide distribution of hydrothermal areas, among which the Banglazhang hydrothermal system is the most geothermally active. Banglazhang is marked by intense hydrothermal activities including hot springs, geysers, fumaroles and hydrothermal explosions. The geothermal waters from the Longling region are mainly HCO_3-Na type with low but comparable SO_4 and Cl concentrations. Calculations based on a variety of chemical geothermometers and a K-Ca geobarometer indicate that the Banglazhang hydrothermal system has much higher subsurface temperature and CO_2 pressure compared to the other systems such as Daheba, Dazhulin and Huangcaoba. However, geothermal water samples collected from all these alternative hydrothermal areas are either partially equilibrated with either reservoir minerals or are immature. The silica-enthalpy relationships of Banglazhang geothermal waters indicate the presence of a deep geothermal fluid with an enthalpy value and silica concentration of 945 J / g (up to around 220 ° C) and 339 mg / L. Our work indicates the Banglazhang area is a promising source in terms of long-term utilization of hydrothermal resources.
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