
来源 :陕西水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinghuang1982
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我省是一个水资源十分紧缺的省份.建国以来,已累计建成水库1O67座,总库容为44.0亿立方米,但经多年淤积,有效库容目前仅剩12.8亿立方米.许多灌区无蓄水调节能力,直接从河流取水,灌溉保证率很低.随着工农业发展,人口增长,国民经济及社会发展对水的要求越来越高,缺水的问题愈来愈严重.关中渭北地区,地势平坦辽阔,土壤肥沃,光照充足,农业生产条件优越,是我省农业生产的主要地区,农业发展的潜力很大,然而该区干旱严重,水资源贫乏,人均水资源占有量不足400立方米,约为全国人均水资源占有量的1/6,亩均占有水资源量为25O立方米,仅为全国耕地亩均占有水资源量的1/8.泾东地区的1230万亩农田仍有600多万亩旱地,农作物产量很低.若要把旱地改变为水浇地,经初步的水量平衡计算分析,实际需要水量达30亿立方米,而水资源仅有14.25亿立方米(其中地下水为6.9亿立方米,地表水为7.35亿立方米),缺水量达15.75亿立方米,是需水量的52.5%. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, a total of 1 067 reservoirs have been built with a total storage capacity of 4.40 billion cubic meters, but after years of siltation, the effective storage capacity currently amounts to only 1.28 billion cubic meters. Many irrigation areas have no water regulation Ability to directly draw water from the river, the irrigation guarantee rate is very low.With the industrial and agricultural development, population growth, national economy and social development of water requirements are getting higher and higher, the problem of water shortage more and more serious. Flat and vast, fertile soil, adequate lighting, superior agricultural conditions, is the main area of ​​agricultural production in our province, great potential for agricultural development, but the area is a serious drought, water resources, water resources per capita less than 400 cubic meters, About 1/6 of the national water resources per capita, accounting for 25 O cubic meters of water per mu, only 1/8 of the total amount of cultivated land in the country. 12.3 million mu of farmland in Jingdong still have 600 If the dry land is to be irrigated, according to preliminary calculation and analysis of water balance, the actual need is 3 billion cubic meters of water while the water resources is only 1.45 billion cubic meters (of which groundwater is 690 million cubic meters , 735 million cubic meters of surface water), water shortage amounted to 1.575 billion cubic meters, is 52.5% of water demand.
原《植物生理学报》和《植物生理学通讯》主编、中国科学院上海植物生理研究所研究员、九三学社成员倪晋山先生 ,因病医治无效 ,于 2 0 0 3年 3月 2 0日 1 4点 45分逝世 ,享
任何一个国家、任何一个民族,都必须把建设自己祖国的信心建立在信任自己的基础上 Any country, any nation, must build its confidence in building its own motherland o
自1995年以来 ,我国边贸总体上出现了增长速度回落、连续滑坡的现象。尤其是1996年边贸大幅度下滑 ,当年边贸额10.02亿美元 ,仅相当于1995年(31 03亿美元)的32 3%。1997年和1998年边贸额分别为18 83亿美元、20 21亿美元