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任何教学活动都是以语言做最基本的传达载体的,信息时代也不例外。在不同语言文化的国度中,学生拉的古典、浪漫派乐曲的音符是相同的,但是小提琴教师指导的语言种类却是不相同的。这里仅指英语、法语、德语、汉语等等,是这个层面意义上的种类。如果要涉及教学语言中所包含的理念、民族性格等文学内涵,篇幅过大,也超过我的学识,所以本文只探讨教学实践中的点滴体验,以及由此而得出的粗浅感悟。以期对基层小提琴教学有所裨益。 Any teaching activities are done in the language of the most basic carrier of communication, the information age is no exception. In different nationalities of language and culture, the notes of classical music and romantic music are the same, but the violin teacher’s language is different. Here only refers to English, French, German, Chinese, etc., is the type of meaning in this level. If we want to deal with the concepts contained in the teaching language, such as national character and other literary connotation, the length is too large, but also my knowledge, so this article only discusses the teaching experience of bit by bit experience, and the resulting superficial insights. With a view to the teaching of grass-roots violin benefit.
Drag force is a key parameter in the numerical modeling of gas-particle flow in circulating fluidized beds. The reliability of current drag force correlations
我最近编了一套五册的《新编小提琴教程》,想借《小演奏家》一角刊出前言和部分教学提示的内容,以征求大家意见。 I recently compiled a set of five “New Violin Tutoria
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我想用两个月的时间和各位读者朋友,分享俄国钢琴大师de Pachmann在1911年11月接受美国练习曲杂志的访问。虽然这是一次距今近百年前之访问,但是确实地反映出钢琴教育上存在
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