
来源 :营销界(农资与市场) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QQQ16416
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通过跟踪近年来农化公司发展历程,我们不难发现这些公司的发展战略,已经悄悄发生了转移,从传统农化行业转向种子行业,从传统农药转向更加环保的生物农药,从渠道及研发合作转向“跨界”的农业信息技术合作,从单一的解决方案转向综合的解决方案。 By tracking the development of agrochemical companies in recent years, we can easily find that the strategies for the development of these companies have quietly shifted from the traditional agroindustry to the seed industry, from traditional pesticides to more environmentally friendly biopesticides, from channels and research and development cooperation Move to “cross-border” agricultural information technology cooperation, from a single solution to a comprehensive solution.
The synthetic process for 2,2-dimethyl-5-nitro-5-nitroso-1,3-dioxane(DMNNDO) was improved by using tri(hydroxymethyl)nitromethane and acetone as starting materi
Welcome to my house.It’s not very big but it’s very beautiful.We moved in the house in 2003.There are three bedrooms,a bathroom,a kitchen and a sitting-room.I
Carbon supported gold-iridium composite(Au Ir/C) was synthesized by a facile one-step process and was investigated as the bifunctional catalyst for oxygen reduc
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1989年9月,一种新型导弹计划在戈壁滩进行发射试验。可就在进入戈壁滩基地后,技术问题出现了,而且一个接一个,现场搞技术的同志急得说不出话来。为了不推迟导弹 In Septembe