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学生学习成绩的评价是教育教学改革的难点之一,理论界争论的焦点主要集中在“过程与结果”“等级与分数”“定性与定量”“内容与形式”四个方面。在实际操作中,传统的小学生数学学习评价,侧重知识的积累和模仿性的应用,并且主要以书面试卷检测中的分数来体现。这种评价的片面性在于重知识、轻能力(尤其是创新能力),重结果、轻过程,重检测、轻激励,形式单一、内容呆板,带来不少负面影响。本次课程改革,《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》 The evaluation of students’ academic performance is one of the difficulties in the reform of education and teaching. The arguments of theorists mainly focus on the content and form of “process and result” “rank and score ” “qualitative and quantitative ” Four aspects. In practice, the traditional evaluation of primary school students’ mathematics learning focuses on the accumulation of knowledge and the application of imitation, and is mainly reflected in the scores of written examination papers. The one-sidedness of this evaluation is that it has many negative effects, such as heavy knowledge, light ability (especially innovative ability), heavy result, light process, heavy test, mild motivation, simple form and rigid content. This course reform, “full-time compulsory education mathematics curriculum standards (experimental draft)”
ECDIS(Electronic chart Display and Information System)是世界发达国家竟相开发与研制的一个船用设备,它集电子海图与定位信息为一屏,实现海图自动显示与定位,极大地提高了船舶自动化管理程度与安全性,该设备投入使用后必将引起
广西金嗓子有限责任公司在改革的大潮中 ,在厂长江佩珍及全体领导班子的带领下 ,走技术创新、科技兴厂的道路 ,先后开发出金嗓子喉宝等系列产品。近期又推出从美国引进的土曲