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目的了解我国西部少数民族农村卫生人力资源配置现状,探讨卫生人力存在的问题,提出对策建议。方法方便抽样结合问卷调查,对西部少数民族农村地区乡镇卫生院村和村卫生室共245名卫生人员进卫生行调查,并采用定性访谈深入了解。结果西部少数民族农村地区乡镇每千人口拥有0.26名卫生技术人员;平均每个村卫生室1名村医,每千人口拥有村医0.27名。卫生人员学历以中专为主,30%的村医仅有初中学历,高、中、初级职称比为1∶11∶20。乡镇卫生院每名卫技人员和村卫生室每名村医年卫生诊疗服务量分别为1 608.61人次和2 371.53人次,每名卫技人员提供年住院服务量为110.48人次;75%卫生人员月收入低于2 000元。结论目前西部少数民族农村地区存在卫生人力总量不足、结构不合理和卫生人力不稳定等问题。通过政策引导增加卫生人力数量的同时,优化卫生人力质量,加大对西部少数民族农村基层医疗卫生人员的保障力度,从而达到稳定卫生人才队伍的目的。 Objective To understand the current situation of rural human resources allocation in western ethnic minority in China, discuss the existing problems in human resources and put forward countermeasures and suggestions. Methods Convenient sampling combined with the questionnaire survey conducted a total of 245 health personnel from township hospitals and village clinics in rural areas of western minority nationality into the health line and conducted in-depth interviews with qualitative interview. As a result, there were 0.26 health technicians per thousand population in the towns and villages in the western ethnic minority rural areas; an average of one village doctor per village clinic and 0.27 village doctors per thousand population. Health personnel education to secondary specialized, 30% of village doctors only junior high school education, high, middle and junior professional title ratio of 1:11:20. Each medical and health care service in each township health center and village clinics received 1 608.61 medical visits and 2 371.53 medical visits per year, and each health worker provided 110.48 hospital services per year. 75% of health workers’ Income less than 2,000 yuan. Conclusions At present, the rural areas in the ethnic minorities in western China have such problems as the total shortage of health workforce, the irrational structure and the instability of the health workforce. While guiding the increase in the number of health workers through policies, we will optimize the quality of health workers and increase the guarantee for rural grass-roots medical personnel in ethnic minority areas in western China so as to achieve the goal of stabilizing the health workforce.
据韩国银行预测,由于消费及建设投资增加,2002年下半年起韩国的出口及设备投资将逐渐回升。 According to the forecast by the Bank of Korea, exports and equipment invest
不久前,我收到湖南某大学二年级女生秋荷发来的电子邮件,她在邮件中详细叙述了她深情投入的初恋和单相思,以及由此引发的一系列情感波澜。  秋荷的来信  颜老师:  您好!我叫秋荷,是一名大二女生。在别人眼里,我是幸运的。但是,有谁知道,我差点因情感挫折而走上绝路。如今,生活虽已恢复平静,但我的心依然在经受煎熬。  我的故事首先得从我的家庭说起。我生活在一个普通农家,爸爸常年在县城搞基建且是一个小负责人
我要说的查尔斯王子,不是什么神话、寓言中的角色,而是现在的英国王储,已香消玉殒的戴安娜王妃之夫。 由于戴安娜事件,查尔斯王子在世人心目中成为一个灰溜溜的角色,一个戴
一个耗费近二十年光阴的科技项目,一位历经身体和精神考验的农民,和一段有喜有泪的发展历程,道出了些许辛酸后的思考,项目融资之路,真的如此之难? 或许最初的兴趣就已决定陈体义要