MD simulation of a copper rod under thermal shock

来源 :Acta Mechanica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duyalengp
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In this paper,thermoelastic problem of onedimensional copper rod under thermal shock is simulated using molecular dynamics method by adopting embedded atom method potential.The rod is on axis x,the left outermost surface of which is traction free and the right outermost surface is fixed.Free boundary condition is imposed on the outermost surfaces in direction y and z.The left and right ends of the rod are subjected to hot and cold baths,respectively.Temperature,displacement and stress distributions are obtained along the rod at different moments,which are shown to be limited in the mobile region,indicating that the heat propagation speed is limited rather than infinite.This is consistent with the prediction given by generalized thermoelastic theory.From simulation results we find that the speed of heat conduction is the same as the speed of thermal stress wave.In the present paper,the simulations are conducted using the large-scale atomic/molecular massively parallel simulator and completed visualization software. In this paper, thermoelastic problem of onedimensional copper rod under thermal shock is simulated using molecular dynamics method by adopting embedded atom method potential. The rod is on axis x, the left outermost surface of which is traction free and the right outermost surface is fixed. Free boundary condition is imposed on the outermost surfaces in direction y and z. Left and right ends of the rod are subjected to hot and cold baths, respectively. Temperature, displacement and stress distributions are obtained along the rod at different moments, which are shown to be limited in the mobile region, indicating that the heat propagation speed is limited rather than than.This is consistent with the prediction given by generalized thermoelastic theory. From simulation results we find that the speed of heat conduction is the same as the speed of thermal stress wave. In the present paper, the simulations are conducted using the large-scale atomic / molecular massively parallel simulator and comp leted visualization software.
运用文献资料法、调查法、访谈法,从文化特性、经济社会发展、路径选择等方面对安徽省非物质文化遗产“五禽戏”进行研究,提出其健身推广的经济、社会与文化发展思路。 Usin