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辞旧迎新之际,喜闻山东旅游业宏伟目标已定:2000年全省接待海外旅游者90万人次,旅游创汇3亿美元,接待国内旅游者6000万人次,旅游收入45亿元,跻身全国旅游发达省份的行列。为此,记者就山东旅游业的回顾与展望,采访了山东省旅游局副局长李德明先生。记者:1994年已经过去,请您简要介绍一下山东旅游业取得的成就。李:1994年是山东旅游业硕果累累的一年,全省接待海外游客突破30万人次,旅游创汇突破1亿美元,接待国内游客达到3800万人次,经济收入17亿元。去年山东省成功地组织了’94中国山东文物古迹游活动,先后举办了孔子周游列国首游式、山东文物精品大展、淄博中国古车博物馆开馆仪式、全省旅游产品观摩检查等旅游活动,向海外市场推出了孔子周游列国线、秦始皇东巡线、徐福故里游等一批特色鲜明、招待性强、效益 On the occasion of welcoming the old and new, the magnificent goal of Shandong’s tourism industry is as follows: In 2000, the province received 900,000 overseas tourists, earned 300 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange, received 60 million domestic tourists and 4.5 billion yuan in tourism revenue. Tourism developed provinces ranks. To this end, the reporter on the tourism industry in Shandong Review and Prospect, interviewed Mr. Li Deming, deputy director of Shandong Provincial Tourism Bureau. Reporter: We have already passed in 1994. Please briefly introduce the achievements made by Shandong’s tourism industry. Li: The year 1994 witnessed a fruitful year for Shandong’s tourism industry. The province has received over 300,000 overseas tourists, earned more than 100 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange earnings, received 38 million domestic tourists and 1.7 billion yuan of economic income. Last year, Shandong Province successfully organized the ’94 China’s Shandong Cultural Relics and Monuments Tour. It held several tour activities including the first tour of the nations touring Confucius, the Shandong Cultural Relics Exhibition, the opening ceremony of the China Ancient Car Museum in Zibo, and inspection tours of the province’s tourism products , Introduced to overseas markets a series of distinctive features such as Confucius’ tour around the State Line, the Qin Shihuang East Patrol Line and Xu’s hometown tour, etc.
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别克新世纪车发动机怠速抖动,故障指示灯常亮故障现象一辆2002年出厂的别克新世纪轿车(采用L46 3.0 L发动机),累计行驶32.6万km,出现发动机怠速抖动,故障指示灯常亮的现象。
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在玻璃镜出现以前,人类使用铜镜照面饰容。作为日常生活用具,古代人是从什么时候开始使用铜镜的呢? 据有关资料介绍,巴基斯坦印达斯文明时期已开始使用铜镜,伊拉克的基什遗