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智力的发育是以大脑的发育与功能健全为基础的。而大脑则离不开多种营养物质,其功能的调节也受到许多营养物质的影响。营养的均衡是儿童智力发展的必要保障,少食或不食粗纤维蔬菜的孩子,其大便在肠道中的停留时间将会延长,人体就会吸收其中过多的有毒物质。当这些有毒物质的量超过肝脏解毒能力时,多余部分将通过血液循环进入大脑侵害中枢神经,造成中枢神经中毒,出现记忆力下降,注意力分散,思维迟钝等症状,久之就可能影响智力发育。现在儿童一般都有较好的饮食营养,但是有关专家调查结果表明,不少孩子的大脑受到食物的损害,影响了大脑的发育,这是由于平时多吃了下列食物。 The development of intelligence is based on the development and function of the brain. The brain is inseparable from a variety of nutrients, the regulation of its function is also affected by many nutrients. Nutritional balance is the necessary protection of children’s intellectual development, Eat less or not eat crude fiber vegetables, the stool in the intestine of the residence time will be extended, the body will absorb too much of them toxic substances. When the amount of these toxic substances exceeds the capacity of the liver to detoxify, the extra part will enter the brain through the blood circulation to infringe the central nervous system, resulting in central nervous poisoning, memory loss, distractions, sluggish thinking and other symptoms, which may affect intellectual development for a long time. Nowadays, children generally have better dietary nutrition, but the findings of relevant experts show that many children’s brains are damaged by food and affect the development of the brain due to the following foods usually consumed.
GPRS手机的出现将会令手机用户享受到现在暂时还难以全面推广的移动办公、移动股市、 WAP上网等服务。 虽然摩托罗拉公司推出GPRS移动电话的时间比主要竞争对手诺基亚和爱立信提早几个月
上期的电流负反馈放大电路没有将图排入,因此本期仍从“电流负反馈放大电路讲起”。 The current negative feedback amplifier circuit did not discharge the graph, so th
:从噪声免疫、功率消耗、电容耦合三个方面在理论上分析了混合信号系统中不可靠性问题产生的原因 ,提出了提高混合信号系统可靠性的几条原则和技术措施 ,并应用于 980 JX‘ 7