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前几年,在丹凤县铁峪铺区蹲点,四月间发现阿勃小麦有的叶片上出现白条现象,主要在中、上部叶片上。发生在叶缘上的是白边,在叶中间的是与叶脉平行的宽窄不等的白条。凡有白边、白条的植株,叶片均变厚、变硬和变直,最后卷缩枯死,发生轻的尚能免强抽穗,但穗小易畸形,植株矮小。据当地群众谈,这种现象在山沟里比较普遍,已有十余年的历史,群众把它叫白条病。铁峪铺区花坪公社(山区)该年共种小麦2480亩,发生白条的占10%左右,发生的规律是阴坡重、阳坡轻,山沟重、川道轻。从品种上看主要是阿勃,在其他品种的田内也有发现,但显然轻的多,是否混入阿勃,未深入调查。 A few years ago, in Dunfeng County Tieyu paved area to stay in April found that some of the wheat on the barley appeared white stripes, mainly in the upper leaves. Occurred in the leaf margin is the white edge, in the middle of the leaf is parallel with the veins width of white stripes. Where there are white, white strips of plants, the leaves are thicker, hardened and straightened, and finally crimp dead, light but still able to avoid strong heading, but the ear is easy to deformity, plant short. According to the local people, this phenomenon is common in ravines. It has been more than ten years old, and the masses call it a white stripe. Tieyugu District Huaping Commune (Mountain) In that year a total of 2480 acres of wheat, the occurrence of white strips accounted for about 10%, the occurrence of the law is heavy shady, sunny slope, ravine, Chuan Road light. From the species point of view is mainly Abel, also found in other varieties of fields, but apparently lighter and more, whether mixed with abyss, not in-depth investigation.
《小演奏家》编辑部同志们:你们好!我是一位琴童家长,我有两个孩子,大女儿学习钢琴,小儿子学习小提琴,之所以会有这样的安排就是希望能在不久的将来,能够听到我的两 “Littl
高粱丝黑穗病[Sphaeelotneca reiliana(kühn)clinton]近年来在省内外各地为害严重,一般发病率在5.0%左右,个别严重地块高达15~20%,是高粱生产中急待解决的课题。据过去研究,
四川省达州市中心医院 (原达川地区人民医院 )始建于 1 92 1年 ,是集医疗、教学、科研、预防为一体的地市级综合性大型医院 ,担负着全市 6 80万人民的防病治病任务。全院占地
医院思想政治工作的本质 ,是为实现党的政治目标和医院工作目标 ,有目的、有计划地对医院职工群众施加意识教育和心理影响 ,即社会主义和共产主义思想体系教育 ,以期转变职工
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背景 每个五年级的孩子能面对国旗举手放在自己胸前宣誓效忠国家,是件很容易的事,对于一个17岁、110磅和身体健康的人更容易做到。让五年级的学生学习成为一个捐血者的课程