Role of SOX2 in foregut development in relation to congenital abnormalities

来源 :World Journal of Medical Genetics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:benxiaohai10000
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The uptake of the two essential ingredients for life, oxygen and nutrients, occurs primarily through the oral cavity, but these two lifelines need to be separated with high accuracy once inside the body. The two systems, the gas exchange pulmonary system and the gastro-intestinal feeding system, are derived from the same primitive embryonic structure during development, the foregut, which need to be separated before birth. In certain newborns, this separation occurs not or insufficiently, leading to life threatening conditions, sometimes incompatible with life. The development of the foregut, trachea and lungs is influenced and coordinated by a multitude of signaling cascades and transcription factors. In this review, we will highlight the development of the foregut and pulmonary system and focus on associated congenital abnormalities in light of known genetic alterations with specific attention to the transcription factor SOX2. The uptake of the two essential ingredients for life, oxygen and nutrients, override, through the oral cavity, but these two lifelines need to be separated with high accuracy once inside the body. The two systems, the gas exchange pulmonary system and the gastro- intestinal feeding system, are derived from the same primitive embryonic structure during development, the foregut, which need to be separated prior to birth. of the foregut, trachea and lungs is influenced and coordinated by a multitude of signaling cascades and transcription factors. In this review, we will highlight the development of the foregut and pulmonary system and focus on associated congenital abnormalities in light of known genetic alterations with specific attention to the transcription factor SOX2.
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