The limit of the Boussinesq system of Rayleigh-Bénard convection as the Prandtl number approaches in

来源 :Applied Mathematics:A Journal of Chinese Universities(Series | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwhyhvcn
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In this paper,the initial layer problem and infinite Prandtl number limit of Rayleigh-Bénard convection is studied by the asymptotic expansion methods of singular perturbation theory and the classical energy methods.For ill-prepared initial data,an exact approximating solution with expansions up to any order are given and the convergence rates O(εm+12)and the optimal convergence rates O(εm+1) are obtained respectively.This improves the result of J.G.SHI. In this paper, the initial layer problem and infinite Prandtl number limit of Rayleigh-Bénard convection is studied by the asymptotic expansion methods of singular perturbation theory and the classical energy methods. For ill-prepared initial data, an exact approximating solution with expansions up to any order are given and the convergence rates O (εm + 12) and the optimal convergence rates O (εm + 1) are obtained respectively. This improves the result of JGSHI.
今年是我在这个世界上生活的第十四个年头。不能说是一个人在空虚缥缈的空间里行走,因为在这里的世界,是有光线存在的,有的时候很亮很亮,有的时候很暗很暗。  我很知足。我没有烦心的事情,没有那么多复杂的经历。我只要很单纯地坐在这里,时不时想起以前偶尔心酸或快乐的事情来就够了。  我在电脑上面平静地把我很早写的作文一个字一个字输入进去。我不知道我的心情究竟是什么。不知不觉,时光已经像沙子一样从我手里面漏出
2001年10月4日,日本“亲潮”级第6艘艇——“鸣潮”(NARUSHIO)潜艇于三菱重工神户造船厂下水,舷号为SS595。该艇计划于2003年 On October 4, 2001, a Japanese submarine N
林木选择育种,是树木遗传改良的主要手段之一。选择育种是指利用林木自然变异,经过鉴定,把有益于人类的遗传变异,应用于生产,以提高林产品的数量、质量或抗逆性能。 Tree s