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最近,由大连双和科技发展有限公司生产的“双和浓缩生物调节剂”系列产品进入山东省。该系列产品的进入,必将为我省的高效生态农业的发展做出贡献。大连双和科技发展有限公司是一个从事生物领域的技术研发、应用、销售于一体的高新技术企 Recently, Dalian Double and Technology Development Co., Ltd. produced “double and concentrated biological regulator ” series of products into Shandong Province. The series of products will surely contribute to the development of eco-agriculture in our province. Dalian double and Technology Development Co., Ltd. is engaged in a biological field of technology research and development, application and sales of high-tech enterprises
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角化细胞生长因子 (KGF)为纤维母细胞生长因子家族中的一员 ,是介导间质与上皮相互作用的重要生长因子 ,已证实KGF与胚胎发育及多种疾病的发生和预后有关 Keratinocyte grow
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