第四届英国国际防务展 (DSEi 2005)上的轻武器(一)

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两年一届的英国国际防务系统与装备(DSEi)展会,于2005年9月迎来第四届。本届展会召开前不久,伦敦地铁发生爆炸恐怖事件,所以会场周边有许多警察警戒,稍有紧张的气氛。参展的许多国家曾向伊拉克和阿富汗派遣战斗部队,这些国家的参展公司根据部队反馈,对过去的产品进行改进,所以展会上展出了一些改进型产品。下面让我们共同领略本届展会上轻武器的风采。 The biennial British International Defense Systems and Equipment (DSEi) exhibition ushered in the fourth in September 2005. Shortly before the opening of the exhibition, there was an explosion of terror in the London Underground. Therefore, many policemen were on guard around the venue. There was a slight tension. Many countries participating in the exhibition have dispatched combat troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. The participating companies in these countries have improved past products based on feedback from their troops. Therefore, some improved products were exhibited at the show. Let us jointly appreciate the elegance of light weapons at this exhibition.
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