Dolochar as a reductant in the reduction roasting of iron ore slimes

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goeas
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The present investigation examines the viability of dolochar, a sponge iron industry waste material, as a reductant in the reduction roasting of iron ore slimes, which are another waste generated by iron ore beneficiation plants. Under statistically determined optimum conditions, which include a temperature of 900°C, a reductant-to-feed mass ratio of 0.35, and a reduction time of 30–45 min, the roasted mass, after being subjected to low-intensity magnetic separation, yielded an iron ore concentrate of approximately 64 wt% Fe at a mass recovery of approximately 71% from the feed iron ore slime assaying 56.2 wt% Fe. X-ray diffraction analyses indicated that the magnetic products contain magnetite and hematite as the major phases, whereas the nonmagnetic fractions contain quartz and hematite. The present investigation examines the viability of dolochar, a sponge iron industry waste material, as a reductant in the reduction roasting of iron ore slimes, which are another waste generated by iron ore beneficiation plants. 900 ° C, a reductant-to-feed mass ratio of 0.35, and a reduction time of 30-45 min, the roasted mass, after being subjected to low-intensity magnetic separation, yielded an iron ore concentrate of approximately 64 wt% Fe X-ray analysis showed that the magnetic products contain magnetite and hematite as the major phases, the nonmagnetic fractions contain quartz and hematite.
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