Inhibitory effect of humanized anti-VEGFR-2 ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles conjugate on growth of

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rain12345
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Objective:To investigate the inhibitory effect of humanized anti-VEGFR-2ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles conjugate on growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma bothin vitro andin vivo, which may be a potential agents with sensitivity and targeting ability for human hepatocellular cancer.Methods:Humanized anti-VEGFR-2ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles conjugate was previously constructed using ribosome display technology and antibody conjugate technology. In this combinedin vitro andin vivo study, the inhibitory effects of anti-VEGFR-2ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles conjugate on tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis was observed with human liver carcinoma cell lineBel7402 and normal cellL02 byMTT assay,Tanswell assay, Hochest33258 staining, andDNA ladder analysis.The anticancer activity and distribution of anti-VEGFR-2ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles was then verified in a mouse model ofBel7402 xenografts.Results:Anti-VEGFR-2ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles significantly inhibited the proliferation ofBel7402 in the3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay while had almost no effects onL02 cells.And the apoptosis inducing effects were proved byHochest33258 staining andDNA ladder analysis.Transwell assay found that the drug also inhibited the metastasis ability of tumor cells.Furthermore, anti-VEGFR-2ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles significantly delayed the growth ofBel7402 xenografts after administration(92.9%), followed byAs2O3-stealth nanoparticles, anti-VEGFR-2ScFv, andAs2O3(61.4%,58.8%,20.5%, P<0.05).The concentration ofAs2O3 in anti-VEGFR-2ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles group was more selectively.Conclusions:Anti-VEGFR-2ScFv-As2O3-stealth nanoparticles is a potent and selective anti-hepatocellular carcinoma agent which could inhibit the growth of liver cancer as a targeting agent bothin vitro andin vivo and also significantly inhibit angiogenesis.
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