植根沃土 勤奋耕耘——访民盟江苏省委新任主委曹卫星教授

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在6月17日召开的省民盟九届一次全委会上,年仅44岁的曹卫星教授当选为省民盟新一届主任委员。曹卫星现任南京农业大学副校长、教授、博士生导师。他在作物生理生态、作物栽培管理、信息农学等研究领域颇多建树,研究成果达到国际领先水平。他曾获得国家杰出青年基金,入选国家教委跨世纪优秀人才,被评为全国优秀教师、农业部有突出贡献中青年专家、江苏省优秀学科带头人、省劳动模范、省优秀科技工作者。作为高校管理工作者,他在学校的学科建设、人才培养和管理工作中成绩显著,他所领导的作物栽培学与耕作学学科在1999年农业部重点学科评估中名列全国第一,并被评为江苏省优秀学科梯队,目前已进入国家重点学科行列。他领导的农业部作物生长调控重点开放实验室,在全国同类试验室评估中被评为优秀重点试验室。曹卫星1994年12月加入民盟,2000年担任省民盟副主委。省民盟第九次代表大会期间,他在接受记者采访时说:“民盟在长期的中国革命、 At the first plenary meeting of the NLD at the Ninth Congress held on June 17, Prof. CAO Weixing, 44, was elected as the new chairman of the provincial people’s federation. Cao satellite is currently vice president of Nanjing Agricultural University, Professor, doctoral tutor. He made a lot of achievements in crop physiology and ecology, crop cultivation and management, information agronomy and other research fields, and the research achievements have reached the international advanced level. He was awarded the National Outstanding Youth Fund, was selected for the cross-century National Commission of Education outstanding talents, was named the national outstanding teachers, Ministry of Agriculture have made outstanding contributions to young experts, Jiangsu Province outstanding academic leaders, provincial model workers, provincial outstanding scientists. As a university management worker, he has made remarkable achievements in disciplinary construction, personnel training and management in the school. He led the crop cultivation and tillage disciplines ranked first in the evaluation of key disciplines of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1999 and was commented Jiangsu Province outstanding subject echelon, has now entered the ranks of key national disciplines. He led the Ministry of Agriculture crop growth control key open laboratory, in the national assessment of similar laboratories was rated as outstanding key laboratory. Cao satellite joined the NLD in December 1994, and served as vice chairman of the Provincial League for Democracy in 2000. During the ninth provincial congress of NLD, he said in an interview: ”NLD’s long-term Chinese revolution,
壬午新正伊始 ,张树英老师悄悄地走了。可能是不愿打扰大家正常的生活 ,更不愿破坏这节日的喜庆气氛 ,与他作最后诀别的 ,只有他的亲人。待到初八上班时 ,大家才陆续听到这一
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