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春城8月,气候宜人。为期5天的本刊第三届全国通联工作会议,于8月29日假昆明振滇大酒店举行。 云南省副省长刘京在百忙中抽出时间前来看望与会代表,并作了重要讲话。 出席本次会议的有:部分省市外经贸系统和各地外商投资企业协会负责人、各地记者站和通联站代表近30人;全国外商投资企业协会副会长张上塘专程莅临指导并讲话;外经贸部外资司刘亚军副处长受外资司委托莅会作了我国利用外资工作的现状的专题报告;本社唐声亮副社长作了《求实奋进,立足发展》的发言;云南省外商投资企业协会副会长兼秘书长封元伦到会祝贺;本刊蒋映光、陈清、清河三位副总编先后就采编业务方面过去的成绩和不足、今后报道要求等作了口头或书面发言。 刘京副省长关于云南环境和利用外资现状的讲话,使与会者深受鼓舞。云南的对外开放,虽因众所周知的原因滞后于其他地区,但他们正在急起直追。云 Spring City in August, a pleasant climate. The 5-day issue of the third session of the National Communications Working Conference was held on August 29 at the Kunming Zhendian Grand Hotel. Liu Jing, vice governor of Yunnan Province, took the time out of his busy schedule to visit delegates and made an important speech. Attending this meeting are: some provinces and cities foreign trade system and the heads of foreign-invested enterprises associations around the correspondent stations and communication station representatives nearly 30 people; the vice president of the National Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment Zhang Xiangtang made a special trip to guide and address; Vice Minister Liu Yajun, Foreign Investment Department, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, commissioned by Foreign Investment Department, made a special report on the status quo of China’s utilization of foreign investment. Vice Chairman Tang Shengliang made a speech entitled “Realistic forging ahead and based on development.” Vice-chairman of Yunnan Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment Secretary-General Feng Yuanlun would like to congratulate on this occasion; Jiang Yingguang, Chen Qing and Qinghe three deputy editors have made oral or written statements successively on past achievements and deficiencies in the editorial and business operations, and future reporting requirements. Deputy Governor Liu Jing’s speech on the current situation of Yunnan’s environment and the utilization of foreign capital encouraged the participants greatly. Although Yunnan lags behind other regions for its well-known reasons, they are catching on. cloud
《世界机电经贸信息》公开发行一年以来,在有关政府部门的支持下,经过几家主办单位的共同努力,取得了显著的进步,发挥了很好的作用,我对此表示祝贺。 1994年我国机电产品出
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2010年1月8日,是敬爱的周恩来总理逝世34周年纪念日。上午,南京市考棚小学200多名师生来到梅园新村纪念馆举行“第六届‘周恩来班’命名大会暨新生入队仪式”。 January 8,