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广告是现代拓展市场、传递信息的重要手段之一,是最经济、最迅速、最广泛的促销途径,是一种行之有效的投资。在商品经济高度发展的今天,广告已借助报纸、杂志、广播电视等媒体走入了千家万户,渗透到人们生活的各个领域。作为一种商业手段,广告语言有很大的魅力,因而引起了语学界和心理学界等方面的研究兴趣。本文想就广告语言的撰写和翻译谈一点粗浅的看法。 广告语言大多属于鼓动性语言,有着十分明确的物质目标。广告语言的这种性质使它具有两个特点:注意价值和记忆价值。广告撰写人举笔落笔脑子里都想着这两个价值。他必须想方设法去寻找能够引人注目的语言形式,力求标新立异,独出心裁,以便使广告给人留下深刻的印象,使人时常觉得历历在目,记忆犹新,以达到促销的目的。 Advertising is one of the most important means for modern market expansion and information transmission. It is the most economical, fastest, and most extensive promotional channel and is an effective investment. In the highly developed commodity economy today, advertising has used newspapers, magazines, radio and television and other media to enter millions of households and penetrate into every area of ​​people’s lives. As a commercial means, advertising language has a great charm, which has led to research interests in the field of linguistics and psychology. This article would like to talk a bit about the writing and translation of advertising language. Most advertising languages ​​are agitation language and have very clear material goals. This nature of advertising language makes it have two characteristics: attention value and memory value. The writers put their pens in their minds to think of these two values. He must try every means to find a language that attracts attention, strives to make a difference and ingenuity, in order to leave a deep impression on the advertisement. He often finds it vivid and fresh in his memory to achieve the goal of promotion.
Everybody knows that ham burger is a very popular Am erican food. H ow ever, people in the U nited States learned to make ham burgers from Germ ans, and the Ger
英语中大写字母构成的习语既形象又生动有趣。在日常交际和阅读考试中经常遇到的有下列几个:一、ABC意思是“基础知识”、“简单的东西”。例如:I’m studying the ABC ofEng
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市场占有率(Market share)这个营销术语,已广为各企业所采用。在企业内,各阶层或各部门,常常以市场占有率的多少,来作为衡量和评价营销工作绩效的工具和全公司共同努力争取
一、历史回顾 英国国家卫生服务(NHS)建立于1948年,是一个在中等和固定预算范围内提供广泛卫生保健的公共基金系统。1991年在马格丽特·撒切尔首相的领导下,由政府对其进行